The course is directed to training for the Project manager, Site supervisor and for the role of Safety Coordinator at run time, especially with regard to the production stage in the construction site. The course covers the following topics teaching, developed a theoretical part and an application part: the workers and procedures of the construction process. Is identified with a representation of the building process that describes the various figures present (client, designer, manufacturer, etc.) and their nature, the skills that each of them should possess, relationships and procedures identified in both legislative or regulatory and technical that customary. Finally, are presented the different steps that characterize the construction of public works. The course is divided in two modules: the former is dedicated to the building sites organization and safety and the latter is dedicated to the security management during planning and building phases. Module A: Organization and safety on building sites. The module is divided in two parts: A1. Building site installation, equipment use and safety devices. With regard to work safety, it will be studies and simplify all matters linked to layout and logistics, to the use equipment and production tools, to the scaffolding and temporary works, to the site installation, the welfare facilities, the safety signs and the personal and common protective equipment too. All practice works out are linked to the development of site planning; A2. Methods for the management of production process. It will be studies the characteristic occasions of building production’ management mostly referring to operational research and ISO 9000 rules. Especially, it will be deals with Pert techniques for works planning and the best use of resources. Module B: Security’s management during planning and building phases. The teaching of this module is linked to the former and it has the aim to provide knowledges about planning and managing building safety. Thanks to its wide application feature and the subjects it deals with, the module allows the students to achieve one of the necessary requirement for being a safety coordinator, both in planning and work performancing.
(reference books)
Arbizzani, E. (2012) Il progetto per costruire, Maggioli editore, Rimini. CEFME CTP (a cura di) (2007-2013) I quaderni della Sicurezza in Edilizia, Roma. Maggi, P. N. (1994) Il processo edilizio, vol. I, Città Studi, Milano. Norsa, A. (a cura di) (2005) La gestione del costruire, Franco Angeli, Milano. Simonetti, A.; Di Muro, A. (2010) Repertorio di piani di sicurezza e coordinamento, Editore EPC libri, Roma. Testo Unico per la salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro (2013) D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008 n. 81 e s.m.i., aggiornato con il D.lgs. 3 agosto 2009 n. 106, e Decreto-Legge 28 giugno 2013, Editore EPC libri, Roma. Zaffagnini, M. (1995) Manuale di progettazione edilizia. Tecnologie: requisiti, soluzioni, esecuzione, prestazioni, vol. 4, Hoepli, Milano.