Derived from
Administrative and health law. Health policy: the classification of models. The historical evolution of health care legislation. The system of the sources. The impact of European law. The constitutional principles and the dimensions of the right to health. The allocation of competences between the Government and the regions. The framework of administrative functions: the tools of coordination between levels of government. The health services' offer: public and private sectors accredited. The funding of benefits, the expense's regionalization and the financial impact. The experience of recovery plans. The prospects of federalism. The organizational models. Health and politics. The medical management. The health professions. Public tender in the health sector. Liabilities in health. The controls system. Regional models. The protection of the foreigner's health. Profiles of pharmaceutical legislation.
(reference books)
For students who follow the classes: 1) G. Fares, Problemi attuali dell’ordinamento sanitario, Editoriale Scientifica ed., 2013; 2) M. T. Camera – G. Camera, Legislazione sanitaria, Dike Giuridica ed., 2013; 3) G. Corso – E. Balboni (a cura di), Le responsabilità in ambito sanitario, Giappichelli ed., 2011. For students who don't follow the classes: 1) G. Fares, Problemi attuali dell’ordinamento sanitario, Editoriale Scientifica ed., 2013; 2) M. T. Camera – G. Camera, Legislazione sanitaria, Dike Giuridica ed., 2013; 3) G. Corso – E. Balboni (a cura di), Le responsabilità in ambito sanitario, Giappichelli ed., 2011; 4) A. Catelani, La sanità pubblica, Cedam ed., 2011 (as an alternative, A. Pioggia, Diritto sanitario e dei servizi sociali, Giappichelli ed., 2014).