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20709103 STORIA DEL CINEMA 1 in DAMS - Studies in Performing Arts L-3 PERNIOLA IVELISE
The invention of the cinema, between science and ontology. Lumière, Méliès and the ‘way of primitive representation'. The affirmation of the "way of institutional representation" from Brighton school at Griffith. Ascent of Hollywood and birth of the genres: the slapstick comedy, Chaplin and Keaton. The avant-garde movements of the years '20 in France (abstraction, dadaism and surrealism). The german espressionism. Soviet Union (theory and practice of editing). The sound in the classic American cinema.
(reference books)
David Bordwell e Kristin Thompson, Storia del cinema. Un’introduzione, McGraw Hill, Milano, 2010 (dal capitolo I al capitolo X incluso).
Filmography: Selection of short films; Hugo Cabret (Martin Scorsese, 2011), Intolerance (D.W.Griffith, 1916), Sherlock Jr (B.Keaton, 1924), Das Cabinet des Dr.Caligari (R.Wiene, 1919), Metropolis ( F.Lang, 1926), Bronenosec Potëmkin (S.M. Ejzenstejn, 1926), City Lights (Charles Chaplin, 1931), Bringing up baby (Howard Hawks, 1938), Singing in the Rain ( Stanley Donen-Gene Kelly, 1952), La régle du jeu ( Jean Renoir, 1939), Citizen Kane ( Orson Welles, 1941)