The aim of the course is to introduce students to some debates in the study of ethics informed by cognitive sciences, providing the student with a compass to find one’s own way through this intricate area.
20710039 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Elective activities
In recent years there has been increased interaction between scientific and philosophical studies of morality, as for example in philosophical reactions to psychological accounts of moral development and evolutionary explanations of aspects of morality. This has given rise to a research field that is termed “cognitive science of morality”, including both the “empirical moral psychology” and the “neuroscience of morality” (or “neuroethics”). The goal of the course is to provide basic knowledge of this complex interdisciplinary field.
(reference books)
M. De Caro e M. Marraffa - Etica e scienze cognitive. Roma: Luiss, 2015. M. Tomasello - Why We Cooperate. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 2009. F. de Waal, Primates and philosophers. How morality evolved. Princeton-Oxford: 2006.
IMPORTANT REMARK: This program is valid ONLY for the students who BOTH will attend the course AND pass the written exam in one of the two dates that will communicated in class by the instructors. BOTH the students who will not attend the course AND those who will attend it but will not participate in the written exam in one of the two dates communicated by the instructors or will not pass it, WILL ALSO HAVE TO STUDY FOR THEIR EXAM THE FOLLOWING TEXT: Marraffa - Paternoster (a cura di), Scienze cognitive. Un'introduzione filosofica, Carocci, Roma.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 22/02/2016 to 14/05/2016 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam
Today it often happens that philosophers and cognitive scientists work side by side on the issues of ethics . This has given rise to an area of research that has been called " cognitive science ethics " , which includes within it both the " empirical moral psychology " , is the " neuroscience of ethics " ( or " neuroethics " ) . The aim of this course is to provide an elementary introduction to this complex interdisciplinary .
(reference books)
M. De Caro e M. Marraffa - Etica e scienze cognitive. Roma: Luiss, forthcoming.
M. Tomasello - Altruisti nati. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2011.
F. De Waal - Primati e filosofi. Milano: Garzanti, 2008.
IMPORTANT REMARK: This program is valid ONLY for the students who BOTH will attend the course AND pass the written exam in one of the two dates that will communicated in class by the instructors.
BOTH the students who will not attend the course AND those who will attend it but will not participate in the written exam in one of the two dates communicated by the instructors or will not pass it, WILL ALSO HAVE TO STUDY FOR THEIR EXAM THE FOLLOWING TEXT: Marraffa - Paternoster (a cura di), Scienze cognitive. Un'introduzione filosofica, Carocci, Roma.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 22/02/2016 to 14/05/2016 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam