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Description of the course. The course examines basic literary Italian authors, works and movements of the second part of the nineteenth century and of the twentieth century taking into consideration also a comparative perspective. From the birth of the new Italian state up to the present times it will follow the development of our literary history both on the lyrical and narrative sides, placing all authors in their historical and geographical contexts and giving examples of reading and of textual analysis of their major works..
Typology of the exam: written and oral exam; a written part on the literary context of the second part of the nineteenth century and of the twentieth century and an oral part discussing the written paper and two works (with their authors) chosen among the following: Narrative: - Ippolito Nievo, Le confessioni di un italiano - Gabriele d’Annunzio Il piacere or Il Fuoco - Federico De Roberto, I vicerè - Carlo Emilio Gadda, La cognizione del dolore or Il Pasticciaccio - Elsa Morante, Menzogna e sortilegio - Beppe Fenoglio, Il partigiano Johnny or Una questione privata - Italo Calvino, I nostri antenati (Il visconte dimezzato, Il barone rampante, Il cavaliere inesistente) Poetry: - D’Annunzio: Alcyone - Montale, Ossi di seppia or Le occasioni or La bufera - Saba, Il Canzoniere: two collections of poems included in the Canzoniere - Ungaretti: L’Allegria - Mario Luzi: a collection as preferred - Giorgio Caproni: a collection as preferred - Vittorio Sereni: a collection as preferred - Andrea Zanzotto: a collection as preferred
Students attending the course are required to read in their unabridged edition two texts as preferred (one of narrative and one of poetry) among those mentioned above; Students not attending the course are required to read in their unabridged edition four texts as preferred (two of narrative and two of poetry) among those mentioned abovei.
Bibliography: The history of Italian literature from 1861 to the present times must be studied on a handbook of Italian literature (we advise Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura Italiana, Dall’Ottocento al Novecento e Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Mondadori Università, but students can use other histories and anthologies of Italian literature already written for secondary high schools). In addition to the general movements students are required to show at least the knowledge of the following authors, placed in their respective chronological contexts and movements: Nievo, Dossi, Tarchetti, Verga, Capuana, De Roberto, Fogazzaro, Deledda, D’Annunzio, Pirandello, Tozzi, Svevo, Palazzeschi, Gadda, Landolfi, Buzzati, Moravia, Brancati, Soldati, Flaiano, Pavese, Vittorini, Fenoglio, Calvino, Pratolini, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Bassani, Cassola, Volponi, Pasolini, Sciascia, Primo Levi, Elsa Morante, Anna Maria Ortese, Parise, Arbasino, Malerba, Eco, Tabucchi. Students are also required to be masters of an outline of nineteenth-century poetry and to show at least the knowledge of the following authors, placed in their respective chronological contexts and movementsi: Carducci, Pascoli, D’Annunzio, Gozzano, Marinetti, Palazzeschi, Govoni, Campana, Sbarbaro, Saba, Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Gatto, Luzi, Caproni, Penna, Bertolucci, Sereni, Erba, Giudici, Raboni, Cucchi, Pavese, Pasolini, Fortini, Tessa, Marin, Noventa, Pierro, Zanzotto, Sanguineti, Amelia Rosselli, Bellezza, Zeichen, Conte, Vivian Lamarque, Patrizia Cavalli, Patrizia Valduga, Viviani, Magrelli.
N.B. Preparatory to the teaching of contemporary Italian literature