The theme of the educational guidance reflects the need to promote in schools and universities a culture of awareness and an effective practice guidance that is not directed exclusively to students of classes that enter into various degrees of courses of study and does not consist simply in the information packages on jobs to be carried out or on any further training paths to follow. One can only hope that in the schools programs is a guidance path that does not result in interventions synchronic-finals but to accompany the students during the training process, from the early school years, to facilitate the construction of that knowledge, those skills , those skills that are the basis for the constant and continuous acquisition of new knowledge throughout their lifetime. The viability of a diachronic orientation-training presupposes and requires a flexible organization and, at the same time, rigorous teaching: the modular organization of training, teaching and curricula enables the individualization and personalization of the training, in ' optics allow all students, or to each student, the opportunity to enhance and develop their skills and to plan with greater awareness and satisfaction their training and professional.
(reference books)
Mode of organization of teaching In presence and remotely (mixed). The course includes a path performed in the presence of base and a path of study online that develops specific topics and areas of interest and offers theoretical and operational activities for the application of knowledge: Base path: 36 lecture hours in the presence (6 CFU). Course of study: 18 hours of training on-line (3 credits), to be carried out mainly on e-learning platform of the Faculty http: \\ formonline.uniroma3.it and platform Mahara.
Study materials and online activities Base path (6 CFU) The lectures will deal with in the presence of topics pertaining to the following texts:
1. Domenici Gaetano (2009). Manuale dell’orientamento e della didattica modulare. Laterza, Bari 2. Domenici Gaetano & Moretti Giovanni (2006). Il portfolio dell’allievo per una scuola dell’autonomia e dell’equità. Anicia, Roma. 3. Domenici Gaetano (a cura di), (2005). Le prove semistrutturate. Utet, Torino