The course aims at examining the philosophical and pedagogical thought on educational issues from the modern era to the Twentieth century. Special attention will be dedicated to the theories of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his Emile or of Education (1762) that celebrates the birth of the social value of children. The issue of initiation into adult life and education to affections in the Eighteenth and Twentieth centuries will also be examined. And finally, some aspects of the goals, contents and ambivalences present in the so-called narrated pedagogies will be analyzed.
(reference books)
S. Santamaita, Storia dell'educazione e delle pedagogie, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2013 J. J. Rousseau, L'Emilio o dell'educazione, 1°,2°,5° book C. Covato, Idoli di bontà. Il genere come norma nella storia dell'educazione, Unicopli, Milano, 2014 F. Borruso, L. Cantatore, C. Covato (a cura di), L'educazione sentimentale. Vita e norme nelle pedagogie narrate, Guerini, Milano, 2014 (6 chapters choise)