Contents Title of the course: The evaluation of educational and social services. The course is organized into two main sections. The first section of the course provides an introduction to the historical benchmarks and theoretical framework for evaluation and evaluation research. Relationships between planning and implementation of projects and services and their evaluation will be analysed. Different methodological approaches and techniques will be presented and discussed. The second section of the course investigates the key functions of evaluation in relation to social and educational projects and services, with an emphasis is on the methodological approaches usually adopted.
(reference books)
C. Bezzi, Cos’è la valutazione. Un’introduzione ai concetti, le parole chiave e i problemi metodologici, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007.
F. Ciucci, Valutazione delle politiche e dei servizi sociali. Partecipazione, metodo, qualità, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2008.
Additional teaching materials and articles will be provided during the course.