Religious Literature of the italian Middle Ages. Origins and characteristics in Italy; reading and interpreting shortlisted texts from Laude, Iacopone da Todi and I Fioretti di san Francesco.
(reference books)
Bibliography: - I Fioretti di san Francesco, a cura di L. Morini, BUR Rizzoli - Iacopone da Todi e la poesia religiosa del Duecento, BUR Rizzoli 2001 - F. Suitner, I poeti del medio evo, Roma, Carocci 2010 - Reading a critical monography related to Iacopone da Todi, selected during the course. Reading and interpreting two classical pieces of the Italian literature, to be chosen throughout the course (including appropriate introduction and explanatory notes). Non-attending students will be requested to contact the professor for further bibliographical guidelines.