Title of the course: Developments of monasticism in the early Middle Ages: the monastic writings of Isidore of Seville.
Description: First of all, the course aims to describe, in outline, origins and types of the monastic phenomenon - notoriously one of the most characteristic expressions of the religious and cultural history of the Middle Ages -, and then to analyze, with particular attention to the vocabulary and the use of sources, the Regula monachorum of Isidore of Seville, a text so far little studied, but due to one of the greatest authorities of medieval culture. - As part of the module will also be activated exercises designed to guide the knowledge and use of the main electronic resources for the study and research on the Latin authors of the Middle Ages.
(reference books)
Bibliography: - Isidorus Hispalensis, Regula monachorum, ed. J. Campos Ruiz, Santos Padres españoles, II : San Leandro, San Isidoro, San Fructuoso. Reglas monásticas de la España visigoda. Los tres libros de las ‘Sentencias’, Madrid 1971 (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, vol. 321), pp. 90-124. - A. de Vogüé, Histoire littéraire du mouvement monastique dans l’antiquité, Tome XI. Première partie: Le monachisme latin. La Gaule franque et l’Espagne wisigothique (VI-VII siècle), Les Éditions du Cerf, Paris 2007, pp. 105-165. - M. Di Marco, Note sulla terminologia monastica di Isidoro di Siviglia. Aspetti istituzionali strutturali e materiali della vita cenobitica, in Latinitas N.S. 2015 [in corso di stampa]. - J. C. Martín Iglesias, Réflexions sur la tradition manuscrite de trois oeuvres d'Isidore de Séville: le De natura rerum, la Regula monachorum et le De origine Getarum, Vandalorum, Sueborum, in Filologia Mediolatina. Studies in Medieval Latin Texts and Transmission 11 (2004) 205-263; in part. pp. 227-244. - M. Pacaut, Monaci e religiosi nel Medioevo, trad.it., Ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2007. Optional readings: - G. M. Colombás, El monacato primitivo, Madrid 2004. - M. Dunn, The Emergence of Monasticism. From the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages, Oxford 2003. - J. Leclercq, Cultura umanistica e desiderio di Dio. Studio sulla letteratura monastica del Medioevo, trad.it., Ed. Sansoni, Firenze 2002. - S. Pricoco, Il monachesimo, Ed. Laterza, Roma-Bari 2003.