1965-2015. Expanded Cinema/Expanded Arts. 50 Years of “Intermediality”: Comparative Studies.
A theoretical and historical analysis of concepts like “Intermediality”, ”Expanded Arts”, “Artmix”, “Dramaturgy of the Arts” from the ‘60s to today. An analysis of the influence of “Intermediality” on Cinema, Communication and New Media histories. There will be encounters with Italian and foreign artists and film-maker.
Notice: Since the academic year 2016/2017 the program is the same of 2015/2016.
(reference books)
- M. M. Gazzano, Kinema. Il cinema sulle tracce del cinema. Dal film alle arti elettroniche, andata e ritorno, Exorma, Roma 2012, 2015; - M. M. Gazzano (ed.), Edison Studio. Il silent film e l’elettronica in relazione intermediale, Exorma, Roma 2012, 2014; - L. Leuzzi, S. Patridge (a cura di), "Rewind - Italia. Early Video Art in Italy / I primi anni della videoarte in Italia", John Libbey, New barnet 2016.
(optionally) - G. De Vincenti, Lo stile moderno, Bulzoni, Roma 2014; - V. Catricalà (ed.), Media Art. Torwards a new Definition of Arts in the Ages of Technology, Gli Ori - Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Roma 2015.
Foreign Students can plan specific bibliographies with the Professor and the Tutors.
If someone would like to better examine (and optionally) the cours issues, can consult the list “Programmi dei Corsi” on Dams / Gazzano website.