French theatre of the 17th century
First semester
French theatre of the 17th century. This course focuses on the history of 17th and 18th century French literature, especially in relation to the features of the classical theatre, through the analysis of some emblematic texts and of two iconic movies (Molière by Ariane Mnouchkine and Il Don Giovanni by Losey).
1. HISTORY OF LITERATURE : Giovanni MACCHIA, La letteratura francese dal Rinascimento al Classicismo, any recent edition (a selection of chapters will be available for those who attend lessons on a regular basis)
2. PRIMARY WORKS: - MOLIÈRE, Don Giovanni (bilingual edition) edited by Delia Gambelli, Marsilio, 1997 ; - Wolfgang A. MOZART e Lorenzo DA PONTE, Il dissoluto punito o sia il Don Giovanni, in Lorenzo DA PONTE, Memorie- libretti-mozartiani, Garzanti, 2003; - Jean RACINE, Fedra, bilingual edition, BUR, 2005.
3. TEXT SELECTION: Other texts will be provided throughout.
4. CRITICISM: Students must choose 3 texts (those attending lessons regularly only have to choose 2 texts) from the following list: -Giovanni MACCHIA, Vita, avventure e morte di Don Giovanni, Adelphi, 1991; -Cesare GARBOLI, Il “Dom Juan” di Molière, Adelphi, 2005; -Roland BARTHES, Sur Racine, Seuil; trad. it. in Saggi critici, Einaudi, 1972; -Jean-Louis BARRAULT, Mise en scène de “Phèdre”, Seuil, 1972; - Francesco FIORENTINO, Il teatro francese del Seicento, Laterza, 2008; -Appendice di MOLIÈRE, Don Giovanni, trad. it. S. Bajini, Garzanti, 1993.
5.FILMOGRAPHY: Joseph LOSEY, Don Giovanni (1979). Movie adaptation of Mozart’s and Da Ponte’s opera. DVD; Ariane MNOUCHKINE, Molière, (1978). DVD.
NOTES / OTHER INFORMATION All texts are available at Apollinaire’s library, which is located in Centro Studi italo-francesi of Roma Tre University (Piazza Campitelli, 3). The exam will be conducted orally. In order to be admitted at the exam, students must first enroll on line and print the enrollment form.
(reference books)
1. HISTORY OF LITERATURE : Giovanni MACCHIA, La letteratura francese dal Rinascimento al Classicismo, any recent edition (a selection of chapters will be available for those who attend lessons on a regular basis)
2. PRIMARY WORKS: - MOLIÈRE, Don Giovanni (bilingual edition) edited by Delia Gambelli, Marsilio, 1997 ; - Wolfgang A. MOZART e Lorenzo DA PONTE, Il dissoluto punito o sia il Don Giovanni, in Lorenzo DA PONTE, Memorie- libretti-mozartiani, Garzanti, 2003; - Jean RACINE, Fedra, bilingual edition, BUR, 2005.
3. TEXT SELECTION: Other texts will be provided throughout.
4. CRITICISM: Students must choose 3 texts (those attending lessons regularly only have to choose 2 texts) from the following list: -Giovanni MACCHIA, Vita, avventure e morte di Don Giovanni, Adelphi, 1991; -Cesare GARBOLI, Il “Dom Juan” di Molière, Adelphi, 2005; -Roland BARTHES, Sur Racine, Seuil; trad. it. in Saggi critici, Einaudi, 1972; -Jean-Louis BARRAULT, Mise en scène de “Phèdre”, Seuil, 1972; - Francesco FIORENTINO, Il teatro francese del Seicento, Laterza, 2008; -Appendice di MOLIÈRE, Don Giovanni, trad. it. S. Bajini, Garzanti, 1993.
5.FILMOGRAPHY: Joseph LOSEY, Don Giovanni (1979). Movie adaptation of Mozart’s and Da Ponte’s opera. DVD; Ariane MNOUCHKINE, Molière, (1978). DVD.
NOTES / OTHER INFORMATION All texts are available at Apollinaire’s library, which is located in Centro Studi italo-francesi of Roma Tre University (Piazza Campitelli, 3). The exam will be conducted orally. In order to be admitted at the exam, students must first enroll on line and print the enrollment form.