A confrontation of techniques, machines, language of Cinema.
Technical and critical analysis of the main “cinema” devices and impact on the language of audiovisual techniques, from the time of photography and film to that of the Web, as well as film and Tv broadcasting.
Notice: Since the academic year 2016/2017 the program it's the same of 2015/2016
(reference books)
TEXTS: - G. Balbi, P. Magaudda, Storia dei media digitali. Rivoluzioni e continuità, Laterza, Bari, 2014. - G. Feyles, Il montaggio televisivo, Carocci, Roma 2010. - C. Marra, Fotografia e arti visive, Carocci, Roma 2014.
(optionally) - M. M. Gazzano, Kinema. Il cinema sulle tracce del cinema. Dal film alle arti elettroniche, andata e ritorno, Exorma, Roma 2012, 2015. - M. M. Gazzano (a cura di), Edison studio. Il silent film e l’elettronica in relazione intermediale, Exorma, Roma 2012, 2014. - P. Bertetto, La macchina del cinema, Laterza, Bari 2010.
Foreign Students can plan specific bibliographies with the Professor and the Tutors.
If someone would like to better examine (and optionally) the Course issues, can consult the list “Programmi dei Corsi” on Dams / Gazzano website.
FILM: Presentation of tv and video art works between the ’50s and today, otherwise not available.