- Identify and analyze the key aspects that make "special" the teaching - Understand the importance of dialogue and cooperation between the educational services - Develop and implement teaching strategies consistent with the objectives of integration and inclusion - Know the theoretical foundations of play and animation, and some applications in the field of socio-cultural activities of the territory
22901913 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Module: |
22901913-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Course schedule The course aims to provide basic skills for designing educational and teaching aimed at the development of the integration process and inclusion in school context and outside school. Starting from the analysis of the initial situation of a person with disabilities or other Special Educational Needs (BES) and in line with the aims of integration and school and social inclusion, students will be guided in the acquisition of skills related to the design of specific activities and processes of inclusion. They will be identified: • some educational-methodological strategies most appropriate for the development of individual potential in particular by using the game and animation; • for the certification of skills of disabled pupils in the various school levels, identifying the link between strategic assessment, certification and guidance.
To this end, the course plans to develop knowledge: • of special education for the integration and promotion of diversity • game and animation to design interventions and recreational training for the use of methodologies and tools for the animation of groups and communities in the context of inclusion • core of facilities for certification of skills built on the basis of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, in the version for children and adolescents, drawn up in 2007 by the World Health.
(reference books)
Part A Books - L. Chiappetta Cajola, Didattica del gioco e integrazione. Progettare con l’ICF, Carocci, Roma, 2012. - L. Chiappetta Cajola, Didattica per l’integrazione. Processi regolativi per l’innalzamento della qualità dell’istruzione, Anicia, Roma, 2008. - L. Chiappetta Cajola (a cura di), Didattica inclusiva, Valutazione, Orientamento. ICF-CY, portfolio e certificazione delle competenze degli allievi con disabilità. Dati di ricerca, Anicia, Roma, 2015.
B) Workshop on line with operational and interactive learning materials The beginning of the Laboratory on line will be announced during the first lessons with relevant information to access the platform.
C) As alternative to online laboratory (Part B), studying a text chosen from the following - R. Callois, I giochi e gli uomini. La maschera e la vertigine, Bompiani, Milano, 2012. - D.J. Winnicott, Gioco e realtà, Armando, Roma, 2006. -V. Domenici, Dentro e fuori il margine. La diversità culturale nel cinema francese contemporaneo, Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 2013.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2016 to 20/06/2016 |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Module: |
22901913-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Course schedule The course aims to provide basic skills for designing educational and teaching aimed at the development of the integration process and inclusion in school context and outside school. Starting from the analysis of the initial situation of a person with disabilities or other Special Educational Needs (BES) and in line with the aims of integration and school and social inclusion, students will be guided in the acquisition of skills related to the design of specific activities and processes of inclusion. They will be identified: • some educational-methodological strategies most appropriate for the development of individual potential in particular by using the game and animation; • for the certification of skills of disabled pupils in the various school levels, identifying the link between strategic assessment, certification and guidance.
To this end, the course plans to develop knowledge: • of special education for the integration and promotion of diversity • game and animation to design interventions and recreational training for the use of methodologies and tools for the animation of groups and communities in the context of inclusion • core of facilities for certification of skills built on the basis of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, in the version for children and adolescents, drawn up in 2007 by the World Health.
Aims - Identify and analyze the key aspects of educational integration - Locate experiences and learning environments that allow the creation of dialogue and synergies between different actors and outside school, such as gaming and animation - Develop and implement instructional strategies consistent with the objectives of integration and inclusion - Know the theoretical foundations of the game and animation also in relation to the most effective practices to promote integration processes - Know the basics of evaluation, the certification of skills and guidance for students with disabilities.
To take the exam of Professor Lucia Chiappetta Cajola, students (attending and non-attending) follow the same program (Part A and Part B)
(reference books)
Part A Books - L. Chiappetta Cajola, Didattica del gioco e integrazione. Progettare con l’ICF, Carocci, Roma, 2012. - L. Chiappetta Cajola, Didattica per l’integrazione. Processi regolativi per l’innalzamento della qualità dell’istruzione, Anicia, Roma, 2008. - L. Chiappetta Cajola (a cura di), Didattica inclusiva, Valutazione, Orientamento. ICF-CY, portfolio e certificazione delle competenze degli allievi con disabilità. Dati di ricerca, Anicia, Roma, 2015.
B) Workshop on line with operational and interactive learning materials The beginning of the Laboratory on line will be announced during the first lessons with relevant information to access the platform.
C) As alternative to online laboratory (Part B), studying a text chosen from the following - R. Callois, I giochi e gli uomini. La maschera e la vertigine, Bompiani, Milano, 2012. - D.J. Winnicott, Gioco e realtà, Armando, Roma, 2006. -V. Domenici, Dentro e fuori il margine. La diversità culturale nel cinema francese contemporaneo, Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 2013.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2016 to 20/06/2016 |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam