Section A - Lessons Section B – Workshop “Counselling and disability”; Workshop “Dyslexia”; training experiential Groups
The course aims at analyzing disability, especially in adults, by exploring new educational questions, set of issues, desires and expectations, ways of pedagogic intervention according to a long life training. The course aims at learning of fundamental knowledge of Special Pedagogy and its contribution to the development of school and social integration; it further aims to analyze legislation and international and national documents leading to an inclusive culture. To know specific needs, answers, desires, expectations, potential and limits in different social and cultural contexts, as well as to hypothesize innovative experimentations, some study and research courses will be specially structured. In this view, knowledge and ways of helping and care will be explored to realize courses made of empathy and gift as fundamental resources.
The Service of Tutoring for disabled students, the Service for dyslexic students, the Special Service of tutoring and work orientation for disabled students in collaboration with the International Committee for the development of peoples, the “experiential” training groups for students in collaboration with the' Center for Clinical and training (CCF), the Associations of parents of children with disabilities; as well as the schools... will all contribute.
Educational aims and contents To know the history and evolution of Special Pedagogy, as well as its contribution to the development of a culture of school and social integration; To know the rules, the most recent international and national documents able to give new views and perspectives; To examine reality in order to critical issues, unsolved problems, educational and social answers, as well as strengths, effective interventions and innovative experiments; To find ways of intervention, relationship and care, trough scientific texts, literature, filmography, storytelling, and in the more recent researches, starting with those of the present chair;
(reference books)
The program is the same for both attending and non-attending students (A + B to reach 6 credits; A + B+ C+ D to reach 9 credits). For students who will be examined according to the old order (10 credits), the program is the same of that regarding 9 credits.
A) Books - A. Canevaro, ( a cura di), La difficile storia degli handicappati, Carocci, 2000. - Simon Baron-Cohen (a cura di), Cognizione ed empatia nell’autismo, Erickson, 2011. - F. Montuschi, L’aiuto fra solidarietà e inganni, Cittadella d’Assisi, 2009. - B. Grasselli et alii, Potenziamento ‘abilitante’ nei disturbi specifici di apprendimento,Armando, in corso di stampa.
B) Text of your choice (one of the following) - M. Sandias, Smemorati, Armando, Roma , 2010. - E. Canetti, Il gioco degli occhi, Adelphi. - M. Aime et alii, Dono, dunque sono. Otto buone ragioni per credere in una società più solidale,Utet, 2013. - A. Oliverio Ferraris, A. Oliverio, Più forti delle avversità,Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2014. - G. La Rovere, L’orologio di Benedetta, La Mursia, 2014.
C) In alternative to the course "Counseling and disability", study one of the following: - B. Grasselli, La famiglia con figlio disabile, Armando, Roma, 2010. - A. Bobbio, Pedagogia del dialogo e relazione d’aiuto, Armando, Roma , 2012 - S. Cellammare, B. Grasselli, Essere tutti studenti all’università, Armando, 2012.
D) In alternative to the workshop "Dyslexia", study one of the following: - M. Wolf, Proust e il calamaro. Storia e scienza del cervello che legge, Vita e Pensiero, 2009. - B. Grasselli, Leggere la dislessia, Armando, 2012. - R. Grenci, Le aquile sono nate per volare, Erickson, 2015.