Introduction to seismology and history of seismology. Generation and propagation of seismic waves: seismic source and seismic moment, scales of magnitudes, focal mechanisms, crustal propagation, site effects. Seismic signal and introduction to seismometry. The seismic cycle. Geodetic techniques applied to crustal deformation. Contribution of seismology to the study of tectonics and geodynamics. Seismic hazard and seismic zonation of the Italian territory. Tutorials: visit to the seismic monitoring system of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and in epicentral area. Field experiment.
(reference books)
- Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and Earth Structure di Seth Stein and Michael Wysession, Blackwell Publishing, 2003 - Terremoti e onde. Metodi e pratica della sismologia moderna, Zollo Aldo, Emolo Antonio, Liguori Editore 2011. - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Kramer, S.L., 1996. Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 653 pp.