Alberici Aureliana
This course focuses on: - theoretical and methodological aspects related to Adult Education in the Lifelong Learning perspective. - development and implications of the concept and theories of Learning to Learn. The monographic part of the course is focused on the study of qualitative research methods , applied specifically in Adult Education within University. The laboratory of the course is focused on the study of qualitative research methods, applied specifically in Adult Education within University. This seminar focuses on the development of theories related to Adult Education, through the study of classics and contemporary authors.
(reference books)
Alberici A., La possibilità di cambiare. Apprendere ad apprendere come risorsa strategica per la vita, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2008 Lipari D., Pastore S. (a cura di), Nuove parole della formazione, Palisensto, Roma, 2014 Alberici A., Di Rienzo P. (a cura di), I saperi dell'esperienza, Roma, Anicia, 2011 Schön D. A., Formare il professionista riflessivo, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006