Reading, translation, written and oral works about the text Marina Geat, Viviane Deviésère (a cura di), La mer en texte, la mer en classe, Aracne, Roma 2015. Studies of the principal difficulties about translation from French to Italian and from Italian to French. The students will realise during the course some individual or collective training and speech about the translation and rewording of the text Marina Geat, Viviane Deviésère (a cura di), La mer en texte, la mer en classe, Aracne, Roma 2015. For the contacts, information and changes with others students and with the teacher we will use Departmental digital platform http://formonline.uniroma3.it/
(reference books)
TEXTS and websites (for students who attend and who don’t attend the course) 1) Marina Geat, Viviane Deviésère (a cura di), La mer en texte, la mer en classe, Aracne, Roma 2015. The students who attend the course will make some individual or group works about this topic, in university et/or on the web platform formonline . They will also use multimedia texts downloaded from internet. The students that don’t attend the course will study the book La mer en texte, la mer en classe, Aracne, Roma 2015. They have to read, resume, translate and revise the chapters that are written in French; they have to summarise in French the chapters that are written in Italian. It’s essential to use a good italian-french dictionary or french dictionary. It’s very useful to have the use of a mp3 recorder for listening podcast files in french language.
2) For revising the principal grammatical contents, the students can use whatever French manual (secondary school level). Very Useful websites: Français facile [http://www.francaisfacile.com] (exercises, explanations, etc.); Le Point du FLE [http://www.lepointdufle.net] (exercises, explanations, songs, audio files, vidéos, etc.; Lexilogos [http://www.lexilogos.com] (French-Italian and Italian- French Dictionaries; etc.); Le conjugeur [http://www.leconjugueur.com] (for resolving all problems of French Verbs Conjugation) Littérature audio [http://www.litteratureaudio.com] (for listening online a lot of French texts and novels; for training oral understanding and pronunciation in French). Exercises, trainings and communication on Departmental digital platform http://formonline.uniroma3.it/