DE Petris Carla
ENGLISH LEVEL B1(Intermediate) The reading of narrative texts – a collection of documents dealing with themes ranging from the Industrial Revolution to contemporary issues – will allow the student to become aware of the cultural debate that gave birth to colonial and postcolonial Great Britain and to develop reading, listening and speaking skills in the English language. The choice of an anthology of passages by the greatest pedagogues and psychologists from English-speaking countries is aimed at enriching the student’s lexical and grammar-syntactical competences of English as Language for Special Purposes (LSP) and at stimulating the student’s reflection and discussion on general themes about education, providing useful topics for class-work both at written and oral level. The constant use of English in the classroom will be encouraged, also by the use of films, videos and other multimedia materials; pre-reading and post-reading activities and reading/listening comprehension exercises will help students understand the debate on English culture and on the different types of language in the texts; students will also be fostered to noticing the differences and similarities between L2 and L1 also by showing them different translations of the same text. The course is structured as to allow the implementation of the students’ linguistic competences, requiring on the side of the student to develop a professional-oriented awareness of the L2 learning modalities through self-study and self-evaluation techniques. Therefore, a grammar text with answer-keys and monolingual and bilingual dictionaries are suggested in bibliography. The best among the numerous links for language exercises is www.bbc.co.ul/worldservice/learningenglish. The first part of the exam will consist in a multiple-choice written test. Once the result of the test is positive (18/30 or more) the student is admitted to the second part of the exam that consists in an oral exam on the student’s language skills in grammar, syntax and lexical-idiomatic competencies based on English for Educators. Reading and translating/commenting in English an excerpt from The Shape of a Culture, the cultural text in the program, will complete the exam. *N.B.: All students must stick to the current academic year program (2014/2015) and exam modalities. * N.B.: Due to the particular modality of the exam and to the learning needs in time terms, the student will be allowed to undertake the test only once per exam session. It is better not to take this exam shortly before the discussion of the final dissertation. * N.B.: At the end of the course, students will find on the teacher’s electronic page all details concerning the program actually dealt with during the course; any variations in course days/time scheduling and others could also be found on the same electronic page. * N.B.: The teacher will be receiving students at the end of the lesson. Any problems requiring further discussion will need an appointment, which could be make via e-mail carla.depetris@uniroma3.it Students are kindly requested to contact the teacher ONLY to fix appointments on specific issues.
(reference books)
** Testo di approfondimento culturale: C. PAGETTI, O. PALUSCI, The Shape of a Culture – Il dibattito sulla cultura inglese dalla Rivoluzione industriale al mondo contemporaneo, Carocci, Roma, ultima edizione. ** Testo di base: Roberta FACCHINETTI, Anna BELLADELLI, English for Educators, CEDAM, Padova, 2011. ** Testi di consultazione: Dizionari bilingue consigliati: Il Nuovo Dizionario Hazon Garzanti , Nuova Edizione, F.Picchi, Grande dizionario Inglese-Italiano/Italiano-Inglese, Hoepli. – Dizionari monolingue consigliati: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners Oxford Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary