Objectives of the Laboratory of Design 2 "Providing the tools for the preparation of a medium-sized and complexity project, with particular regard to the size and the configuration of the space, to the volumetric measurement of the complex, to the relations with the context and to the definition of the structural in relation to the typological and spatial choices." The objective of the training of the Department of Architecture in relation to Planning Workshop 2 of the CDL in Architectural Science is clearly stated in this proposition. The idea is to offer to the student of architecture an unified design experience, thorough and conscious of the multiple structural and technological space connected to a project of medium complexity. It also wants to provide an opportunity to foreshadow a significant space and in relation at the indoors of architecture, both in relation around town: a collective place for the city. Therefore, the project to be developed in the second year, consists of an architectural medium in size and complexity, well-graded scale of increasing difficulty that characterizes the teaching of architectural design. But he also wants to make the student a meaningful experience, through a "journey" that includes not only the disciplinary knowledge inherent in the tradition of architectural design, but also theoretical concepts, cultural updating, as well as practical skills, manuals, which can be extended by the editors of a board of architecture, to the invention of display panel, until the sketches collected in albums, in a small plastic. A route consistent with the intent of CDL training: "a balanced, intelligent and careful combination of essential components (scientific, humanistic, historical and instrumental) of architectural culture. All materials are addressing both theoretical aspects of application that, while the survey design, the true catalyst of teaching, tests and refines knowledge converging or interrelated. " 2. The theme of the exercise of year The Planning Workshop C of the 2nd year of the degree course takes as its object of study a building of medium complexity, with different functions intertwined. It is a community building, an architectural structure consists of a limited number of functions, but well-designed and interconnected. So you want to lead students through an appropriate design of the second year of studies. A 'experience to facilitate the understanding and the foreshadowing of new spaces for the contemporary city. For "Building Community" means an architectural divided into parts and functions interrelate, with a size and a degree of increasing complexity, as well as growing the size of the study areas. This community building should include: to. a. residence specialist (in some cases traditional residences), designed for a specific community (students, workers, researchers, etc.), including community services simple (cafeteria, meeting space, a living room, laundry, catering, etc.). b. Spaces for work activities. A small group of research, offices, laboratories or urban services to the neighborhood scale. Including a place for socializing or community (a meeting room, a small conference center, or a space for worship). c. A public space. A space for collective use and visual relationship, which establishes contextual relationships between the elements of the project and represents - at the same time - a small urban center at the neighborhood scale. The design of a community center of this kind brings with it two architectural themes directly related to it. One is that the difference in height, which affects all three areas, and the relative articulation basement organism which such jump involves. The shape of the selected areas and the articulation of functions make it calls for a careful reflection on the theme of "base". Be it a large element, recessed or any shape, it will house some of the functions - including parking - establish procedures to ascend to the higher altitude, host the site collective collection and redistribution of the flows, the city hall. Another theme is the confrontation with the urban theme of the block and its dynamics of transformation today, both in the direction of the total independence of the body, and its isolation as an "object" in the urban space, both in the direction of a integration and continuity in the urban fabric, and in the traces of the road. Requests of exigency and the types of spaces required will be specified in special "cards" in-depth project that will be presented by the teacher at the start of the Laboratory. 3.The areas of application design The areas of application design are all located in the southwest quadrant of the city, in relative proximity to the places of the installation of the structures of the University of Rome Three, in order to create facilities and services hypothetically related to activities of the University and at the end of optimizing knowledge and research already carried out in the Department. In fact, the emergence and gradual rooting of the University in the Ostiense district and surrounding areashas been, in recent years, a formidable factor of regeneration and urban transformation, promoting the redevelopment of entire areas. The development of the activities of Roma Tre, the conversion of entire areas abandoned in the historical transformation of proto-industrial activities in tertiary services and has led to profound changes in the physical form of the city, nell'utenza and manner of use of this urban part. The choice of areas and projects to be processed want to fit into this dynamic of transformation and urban renewal.
4. Teaching The articulation of the educational activity is to subdivide the half in three periods. 1. Knowledge of the theme of the year and the first design choices. (October 12 to November 30). The first period, from October 12, starting time of the workshop, up to about end-November, is used to become aware of the theme of the year, the joint laboratory in three subgroups related to the three areas, deepen knows basic project . It ends with the delivery of processed very simple, that correspond to the stage of concept formulation and its "preliminary". The works will be sketches, drawings manuals first elaborate plan and section. They will be integrated with a tiny plastic conceptual. A small "plastic in one hand." The materialization of an idea to be able to fit in the palm of an open hand. ... ..if This scale model is small, very small, stripped of all unnecessary addition, it must be able to represent the idea that you want to represent in the project with the utmost precision. (A. Campo Baeza, An Idea in the palm of a hand, Domus n. 972, September 2013, pp. 10-11) 2. Development of the project and its definitive formulation. (December 03-January 07). In the second period we are developed most significant design issues related to the system architecture, the choices volumetric spatial and structural main. In this phase it is required drafting of the project to that which is normally defined as "intermediate scale", which goes to the scale 1/200. 3. Delivery of the final project and exam profit. (Until end of Laboratory). In the final phase takes place a laboratory that provides for the intensive study of the èlanning choices, the development of the architectural aspects and expressive, the development of prospects and trailing plants, architectural details, three-dimensional views as appropriate. It will also require the preparation of a definitive plastic, always very compact, single material or otherwise processed with manual techniques.
The workshop will consist of ex-cathedra lectures, seminars, laboratory design and external contributions. There are also visits to the areas under study and visits to city architecture and sites, in accordance with the tight deadlines to conduct the workshop. Lessons will be held to discuss the topics of the workshop:
a. The notion of architectural space in modernity b. The building complex and its spatial articulations c. Examples and readings architectures specimens d. Integration of new forms of public space and building complex e. Relations between architectural spaces, paths and building envelope They are provided outside contributions in order to: A. Dynamics of transformation of the southwest quadrant of Rome B.'s Housing contemporary issues in relation to community services C. The urban block. Changes and developments D. The representation of contemporary architecture
(reference books)
5. References It is very difficult to circumscribe in a bibliography limited set of texts that would be needed to accompany the student experience of a design workshop. We give here some tips - oriented - for a first approach to the complex issues of architectural design, with a look to the contemporary. More specific bibliography will be provided during the workshop. It can not be neglected in any moment the frequency of the Library of the Department, the city libraries and libraries of Architecture. Some texts are essential to the culture of the Project of Architecture: - L. Zevi (coordinatore scientifico), Il nuovissimo manuale dell’architetto. 2 Voll., Mancosu Editore, Roma 2003. - L. Benevolo, Storia dell’Architettura Moderna, Laterza, Bari 2010 - K. Frampton, Tettonica e architettura. Poetica della forma architettonica nel XIX e XX secolo, Skira, Milano 2005 - M. Biraghi, Storia dell'architettura contemporanea, I (1750-1945) - II (1945-2008), Einaudi, Torino 2008 - Le Corbusier, Vers une architecture, (a cura di P. Cerri e P. Nicolin), Milano, Longanesi 1984 - A. Loos, Parole nel vuoto (Ins Leere Gesprochen, 1921), ed. it. Adelphi, Milano 1972. - A. Rossi, L'architettura della città, Marsilio, Padova 1966; n. ed. Quodlibet, Macerata 2011. - Francesco Venezia, Francesco Venezia: le idee e le occasioni, Electa Mondadori, Milano 2006 - R. Moneo, Inquietudine teorica e strategia progettuale nell’opera di otto architetti contemporanei, Electa, Milano 2005 - Francesco Cellini, Manualetto. Norme tecniche, costruttive e grafiche per lo svolgimento di una esercitazione progettuale sul tema della casa unifamiliare, Città Studi, Milano 1991
Systematic consultation of magazines: Casabella, Domus, The Construction Industry, The Plan, Detail. Consultation of the special issues of the journal "El Croquis" dedicated to A. Siza 2008-13 (No. 168-9), J. P. Herzog & De Meuron 2002-06 (No. 129-30), R. Koolhaas 1996- 07 (No. 134-5), D. Chipperfield 2010-14 (No. 174-5), S. Holl 2008-14 (# 172), J. Pawson 2006-11 (# 158), Aires Mateus 2008 -13 (No. 168-9).