The aim of the laboratory is to foster: - the development of a design ability that, mindful of the topics of architectural technology and environmental design, relates the cultural and scientific aspects, typical of architecture, to the possible uses, to the restraints and suggestions typical of materials, techniques and building systems with a view to the requested levels of general quality; - the ability to act applying a methodology based on the requirement/performance approach, criteria of assessment and selection of the most appropriate solutions, innovative technical measures congruent with an energy-aware and efficient design, directions for technical design at detail scale and for implementation.
Pre-requisites Having attended the course of Building Materials and Components and, preferably, having passed the exam.
Contents of the course The laboratory deals with the analysis, organisation and design of buildings, considering their interaction with the built surroundings and local environmental factors, and detecting compatibilities and incompatibilities, at various scales, with the aim to define congruent actions. Attention will be paid to the interaction among three different aspects: the functional, constructive and formal aspects, which characterize the definition of buildings, by interconnecting the related, specific choices that have to be made during the various phases of the design process. Therefore, on the one hand, types and levels of performance that buildings have to offer for meeting the requirements induced by the activities associated with the fixed use, and on the other hand, various construction systems, materials and techniques that, in accordance with place propositions, enable to materialize the devised space, will be considered. Students will be steered towards design hypotheses for buildings at low environmental impact and at low energy use, and towards congruent constructive choices. Attention will be then focused on building techniques and materials, also innovative, aimed at improving the performances of the building environment, the energy behaviour of buildings and the microclimate of outdoor spaces. In particular, some aspects of accessibility and fire safety, focusing on relevant regulations, and several facets of comfort will be dealt with.
Teaching methods The course is structured in two parts: - one is theoretical, organized in lectures and short thematic seminaries - one is about applied work, carried out both at university and at home, that takes the student to face some phases of the design process. The lectures are targeted, on the one hand, to provide a design methodology and some implementation guidelines, on the other hand, to support students in the development of the theme of the year. Techniques for reading local environmental factors will be presented, underlining the interaction between these factors and the building environment with the aim to define their potentialities and criticalities. Analytical and operational methodologies apt to define buildings structure according to their uses, to find out problems to solve and to guide the choice of the solutions, that are most appropriate to the goal, will be touched upon. The different, alternative, technical solutions, the technological devices and the usable materials will be suggested, also showing case studies of buildings and of urban outdoors spaces. In particular prime criteria of bioclimatic design and techniques of management and use of natural resources will be dealt with. Impacts that design and building choices have on the balance between place conditions and quality of building structure and urban environment will be analysed. Criteria and guidelines for selecting solutions and measures that are more appropriate to inform the various phases of the design process, carried out with an eye to sustainability, will be provided.
Methods for assessing learning The student final evaluation will be based on her/his participation to the activities of the course, on the applied work carried out during the semester and on the oral examination. Students who do not hand over their applied work during the course period, or do not make it in a satisfactory way, will have to take a written/graphic examination, propaedeutic to the oral one. The oral examination entails: - an illustration and a discussion on the topics faced during the course and in the applied work carried out during the semester; - an illustration and defence of the final applied work developed for the exam
(reference books)
Boaga, G., “Corso di Tecnologia delle costruzioni” (vol.2), Calderini, Bologna, 1991
Lynch, K., ”Site Planning”, 2nd edition, the M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England,
Olgyay, V., “Progettare con il clima”, Franco Muzzio editore, Padova, I990,
Reid, E., Capire gli edifici, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1990
Salvadori, M., “Perché gli edifici stanno in piedi”, Bompiani, Milano, 1993
La serie Grande Atlante dell'Architettura, Utet: Atlante dell’acciaio, Atlante della muratura, Atlante del
legno, Atlante del cemento, Atlante delle facciate.
Suggested texts
Boaga, G., “Corso di Tecnologia delle costruzioni” (vol.2), Calderini, Bologna, 1991
Lynch, K., ”Site Planning”, 2nd edition, the M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England,
Olgyay, V., “Progettare con il clima”, Franco Muzzio editore, Padova, I990,
Reid, E., Capire gli edifici, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1990
Salvadori, M., “Perché gli edifici stanno in piedi”, Bompiani, Milano, 1993
The series Grande Atlante dell'Architettura, Utet: Atlante dell’acciaio, Atlante della muratura, Atlante del
legno, Atlante del cemento, Atlante delle facciate.