1. HEAT TRANSFER 1.1 Conduction 1.2 Convection 1.3 Radiation 1.4 Adduction 1.5 Heat Transfer complex phenomena
2. THERMODYNAMICS 2.1 Fundamentals 2.2 Open thermodynamics systems 2.3 Thermodynamics cycles 2.4 Damp air thermodynamics
3. MICROCLIMATE CONTROL AND INTRODUCTION TO THERMOMECANICAL SYSTEMS 3.1 Environmental comfort 3.2 Air quality 3.3 Building-plant system
4. ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTICS 4.1 Acoustics quantities, acoustic fields and sound propagation 4.2 Sound propagation in the open field 4.3 Psychoacoustics and phonometry 4.4 Acoustics of confined spaces 4.5 Acustic design
5. ELEMENTS OF LIGHTING 5.1 Photometry 5.2 Light sources 5.3 Mention of the interior lighting
(reference books)
Educational material is formed by the slides supplied during the course.