21002040 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The course proposes the study of some archaeological sites in the Mediterranean, in particular Rome (Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Roman Forum) and Athens (Acropolis). The lectures are focalized on the history of change and re-use that have led to the loss of original architectonic identity until its intentional “re-creation” after the second half of the eighteenth century. This new tradition and its different manifestations during the last two centuries will be analyzed: excavations, restorations, reconstructions, anastylosis and programs of valorization. Lectures with the course of "Design and Restoration B" and possible exercises and papers are planned.
(reference books)
- Paolo Marconi, Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico, Bari 1999.
- Paolo Marconi, Il recupero della bellezza, Milano 2005.
- A. Ricci, Attorno alla nuda pietra. Archeologia e città tra identità e progetto, Roma 2006.
- E. Pallottino (a cura di), Architetti e archeologi costruttori d’identità, in Ricerche di Storia dell’arte, 95, 2008, pp. 30-43.
- D. Manacorda, R. Santangeli Valenzani, L. Franciosini, E. Pallottino, S. Picciola, A. Carlini, P. Porretta (a cura di), Arch.it.arch,
dialoghi di archeologia e architettura, seminari 2005|2006, Roma 2009.
- E. Pallottino (a cura di), Roma, Torre dei Conti. Ricerca, formazione, progetto, in Ricerche di Storia dell'arte, n. 108, 2012.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2016 to 20/06/2016 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
The major aim of the course is to confront the students with a critical assessment of structural systems of historical buildings, comparing design projects with historic preservation handbooks. In order to increase the knowledge of historical heritage, the students will therefore be asked to analyse structural and morfological systems. Lectures with the course of "Design and Restoration A" are planned. Topics of the lectures: The practice of architecture and the art of construction. Handbooks and technical literature between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries by way of comparing construction practices with materials. Handbooks of “Architettura Pratica” and preservation handbooks. Building elements: walls and vaults, roofs and floors, doors and windows, façades. Architectural regionalism: from Modernism to the revival of Medieval architecture: history, studies and projects. Gustavo Giovannoni: urban restoration and decentralization of the residential neighbourhoods.
(reference books)
Building characters: - Paolo Marconi, Francesco Giovanetti, Elisabetta Pallottino [a cura], Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma, DEI, Roma 1989. - Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Città di Castello, a cura di F. Giovanetti , DEI, Roma 1992. - Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma, II edizione ampliata, a cura di Francesco Giovanetti, DEI, Roma 1997. - Paolo Marconi, Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico, Laterza, Bari 1999.
Architectural regionalism: - G. Pagano, G. Daniel, Architettura rurale italiana, Milano 1936. - F.R. Stabile, Regionalismo a Roma. Tipi e linguaggi: il caso Garbatella, Editrice Dedalo, Roma 2001. - Storia dell’architettura italiana - Il primo Novecento, a cura di G. Ciucci - G. Muratore, Electa, Milano 2004, in particolare G. Muratore, Uno sperimentalismo eclettico, pp. 10-37; G. Zucconi, Gli anni dieci tra riscoperte regionali e aperture internazionali, pp. 38-55; G. Muratore, Edilizia e architetti a Roma negli anni venti, pp. 74-99; Sergio Poretti, Modernismi e autarchia, pp. 442-476. - Paolo Marconi, Il recupero della bellezza, Skira, Milano 2005, in particolare il saggio, L’architettura regionalista e il restauro come replica, pp. 8-27.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2016 to 20/06/2016 |
Delivery mode