1. Background - Risk definition: Varnes formula and the fundamental concepts of risk: perception, prediction, mitigation and forecast - Flood risk management: European Flood Directive 2007/60/CE and its implementation in the Italian national context through dl. 49/2010 - Example form the Tiber River Authority - Methods for flood control: structural (river works) and nonstructural measures - Damage assessment and reduction of the overall impact of flooding by structural and nonstructural mitigation measures
2. Hydrologic hazard - Methods for design flood evaluation: (a) statistical (direct), (b) rainfall-runoff models (indirect) and (c) regional methods a) Statistical analysis of extreme events: peak flow probability distribution function and flood volume estimation b) Fundamental aspects of rainfall-runoff modeling, model calibration and the principle of parsimony c) Rainfall Regionalization and derivation of synthetic rainfall events (IDF curves), VAPI project (Italy), flood regionalization, the index-flood method
3. Hydraulic hazard - Basic aspects of hydrologic and hydraulic models for flood propagation - Illustrative example and field of application of mono- and bi-dimensional models - Bridge hydraulic problems 4. Mitigation strategies - River structures for erosion and sediment control - Passive mitigation strategies: levees and diversion canals - Active mitigation strategies: flood attenuation systems, in-line and bank-side reservoir
Exercises: #1: design flood simulation based on the statistical analysis of peak flow annual maxima and flood volume estimation (in Mathematica) #2: design flood estimation based on synthetic rainfall events derived from regionalization studies and rainfall-runoff models, based on the geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph (WFIUH) (in UDig/Mathematica) #3: implementation in HEC-Ras of a mono-dimensional hydraulic model for flood propagation under both stationary and time-varying conditions; model and stage-discharge relationship calibration; design flood simulation to delineate the inundated areas #4: hydraulic simulation of a bank-side reservoir for flood attenuation
(reference books)
1. Dispense di Protezione Idraulica del territorio del Prof. G. Calenda sui seguenti argomenti: Difesa dalle inondazioni; Difesa passiva e Difesa attiva 2. G. Calenda, Infrastrutture Idrauliche Vol. 1 - Idrologia e Risorse Idriche. Edizioni Efesto, 2015 3. Da Deppo L., C. Datei , P. Salandin , “Sistemazione dei corsi d’acqua”, Ed.Libreria Cortina, Padova, 2002 Further reading 1. Maione, U. e Moisello, U. Elementi di statistica per l’idrologia, Pavia, La Goliardica Pavese, marzo 1993, pp. 299 2. Kottegoda, N. and Rosso R. Applied statistics for civil and envoronmental engineers, Blackwell Publishing, 2008 (2nd edition), pp. 707 3. Rosso R., "Manuale di protezione Idraulica del Territorio". Milano - CUSL, 2002 4. Murachelli A. e Riboni V., “Rischio idraulico e difesa del territorio”. Palermo - Flaccovio, 2010