Part 1 – Hydrology 1.9) Rainfall: rainfall genesis, rainfall measurements, rainfall regimes, intense rainfall, rainfall amount at the catchment scale. 1.10) Evapotranspiration: phenomenology and measures. 1.11) Catchment and hydrogeological basin definitions: water balance. 1.12) Groundwater hydrology: unsaturated zone and aquifers. 1.13) Surface water storage: lakes, snow and glaciers. 1.14) Surface water flow: flow discharge measurements, river regimes, low and base flow, probabilistic models. 1.15) Hydrologic losses and runoff generation machismos. 1.16) Rainfall-runoff models: lumped linear models, kinematic and linear reservoir models. Parte 2 – Water supply 2.7) Water use: domestic water, sustainable water use. 2.8) Water-intake hydraulic structures for surface water. 2.9) Artificial lakes. 2.10) Water transport, open channel flow. 2.11) Water transport, aqueducts, network configurations, pipelines, manufactures, pumping stations. 2.12) Urban reservoirs.
(reference books)
Handouts provided by the Professor (HTTP://ELEARNING.DIA.UNIROMA3.IT/MOODLE/)