The course covers key methods and policy debates in macroeconomics, making close contact with current events from the global economic crisis that has engulfed the world economy since 2008, to the problems of the Euro area, and the role of technological progress for employment and growth. It provides an integrated view of modern macroeconomics building on basic mainstream macroeconomic models. These explain the functioning of goods market, financial markets and labor markets in the short, the medium and the long run.
(reference books)
Teaching material.
A password is required, and can be asked to the professor in class or by email.
IS-LM exercises. Click here: islm-exercises
Chapter 2. A tour of the book. Click here: macro_ch02
Ch. 5. The IS-LM model. Click here: macro_ch05
Ch. 6. The IS-LM model in an open economy: macro_ch06
Ch. 5BIS. The new IS-LM model and the impact of the crisis: new_islm_2016
Ch. 8. The Labour Market: macro_ch08
Ch. 9. The AD-AS Model (last update, 17/11, 10:30): macro_ch09
Ch. 10. The Phillips’s Curve (last update, 17/11, 10:30): macro_ch10
Ch. 13. The Fact of Growth: macro_ch13
Ch. 14. Savings, Capital Accumulation and Output: macro_ch14
Ch. 15. Technological Progress and Growth: macro_ch15
Ch. 17. Expectations, Consumption and Investment: macro_ch17
Ch. 18. Expectations, Output and Policy:macro_ch18
Ch. 7. Output, the Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate: macro_ch07
Ch. 21. The High Debt: macro_ch21
The course includes additional material:
Eurostat Press Release, November 2016: eurostat-press-release-november-2016-en V.Intraligi, P.Naticchioni, Technological Change and the Labour Market: a Survey of the Literature – presentation-technology-and-labour-market Thomas Piketty (2014), Introduction. Capital in the XXI century: Capital Piketty Introduction