- The basic elements of the strategy; - The French Revolution; - Napoleon and Jomini; - Clausewitz and his "Vom Kriege"; - Balances in Central Europe and Prussian strategists; - The Austro-Prussian War; - The Schlieffen Plan; - Naval strategy and balances in the Pacific; - Roosevelet, Mahan and the Russo-Japanese War; - The cult of the offensive and the First World War; - Lightning War; - Fuller, Lidell Hart and De Gaulle; - Guderian and the Third Reich; - Aerial Warfare; - Douhet, Mitchell, Le May and the development of the Strategic Air Command (SAC); - Strategy in the Nuclear Age; - From the Korean War to Vietnam; - The final phase of the Cold War; - The People's War; - The strategy of Mao and Ho Chi Min; - Che Guevara and General Giap: a comparison; - Counter-insurgence today; - Comparing Strategies: Sun-Tzu and Clausewitz; - The Private Security Firms: the postmodern conflicts; - The Russian antiballistic system: the case of Gabala Radar Station; - Security and Strategy, the Caspian Crossroad; - The Caspian and Energy Security; - Frozen conflicts; - Thucydes and Strategic Studies
(reference books)
Testi d'esame:
- von Clausewitz, Karl. "Della guerra". Edizioni Mondadori, 2014;
- Tzu, Sun. "L'arte della guerra. Il manuale dello stratega". Edizioni Mediterranee, 2002;
- Valigi, Marco, ed. "Il Caspio: sicurezza, conflitti e risorse energetiche". GLF editori Laterza, 2014;