The course is annual and is divided into two parts, corresponding to the two semesters of performance. In the first part we will examine issues related to the history of the education of disabled people, with particular reference to the figures which represented the backbone: Charles de l'Epee, Tommaso Pendola, Giulio Tarra (for the education of deaf); Valentin Haüy, Louis Braille and Augusto Romagnoli (for the education of the blind); Jean Itard, Edouard Séguin, Ovide Decroly, Maria Montessori, Joseph F. Montesano, Sante De Sanctis, C. Giulio Ferrari with many others, until Roberto Zavala and John Bollea (for the education of the mentally disabled). Later it will examine the best practices that accompany the initial training and in-service teachers, and outlining new perspectives for teaching hospitality, attentive to the needs of individual learners and Special Educational Needs. In this light, the reflection will cover the role that assumes today the Special Education to encourage and promote the creation of a culture of inclusion and social education. Will also be presented the idea of Viktor E. Frankl, founder of logotherapy, offers a perspective very effective way to reflect on the role of relationships and ties in human existence in its present context, marked by the influence of individualism and consumerist mentality. In the second part of the course will explore an aspect that, today as yesterday, is closely related to the formation of the new generations: the problem behaviors that often generate anxiety and disorientation for those who come in contact with. Therefore, in addition to a broad theoretical framework, will be presented the stories of some characters who will help to understand the difficulties, but especially the positive potential of realization. In this part of the course will be offered a teaching reading methodological issues related to persons with autism. Each of the two parties split up the reading and analysis of a book of fiction by means of which students will have the opportunity to reflect on issues related to disability from a different point of view, in particular through the eyes of families. The attention to stories of life continues with the proposal of a story that tells of an extraordinary relationship between an autistic teenager and the parent author of the book.
(reference books)
Prima parte (I semestre) Bocci F., Una mirabile avventura. Storia dell’educazione dei disabili da Jean Itard a Giovanni Bollea, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2011. Favorini A.M. (a cura di) Pedagogia Speciale e formazione degli insegnanti. Verso una scuola inclusiva, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009. Favorini A.M , Russo F., Relazioni e legami nell’esistenza umana. La lezione di Viktor E. Frankl, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2014.
Seconda parte (II semestre) Favorini A.M., I Comportamenti problema a scuola. Strategie e tecniche di intervento, Carocci, Roma, 2014. Favorini A. M., Bocci F., Autismo, Scuola e Famiglia. Narrazioni, riflessioni e interventi educativo-speciali, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2008. Nicoletti G., Una notte ho sognato che parlavi, Mondadori, Milano, 2013.