Educational objectives The course is designed to acquire knowledge and competences within the physical activities for the developmental age through the analysis of the scientific bases of the control and the development of the movement. To obtain awareness about the importance of the motor skill activities in social, cultural and educational sphere. To know how to diversify the didactic proposals to apply at the different age groups and phases of the human development to reinforce and to strengthen types of intervention through the human movement. To obtain awareness about the importance of the physical activities within the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of the chronic-degenerative diseases with particular attention to the obesity in developmental age.
Introduction to the history of the sport. School regulation Physical activity and overweight / obesity. Structuring body image. The self-perception. Life skills. Basic motor schemes. Coordinating and conditional motor skills. Physical skills ability. Recreational aspects of the physical activity. Physical activity and sport Classification. Physical activity Evaluation. Physical Activities and disability. Teaching Methods. Structure of a lesson.
(reference books)
Cilia G, Ceciliani A, Dugnani S, Monti V. L’educazione Fisica. Le basi scientifiche del controllo e dello sviluppo del movimento. Piccin, 1996.
ARTICOLO Blume D.D. Le capacità coordinative: definizione e possibilità di svilupparle. Traduzione in italino. 1981.
ARTICOLO Pesce C. Insegnamento prescrittivo o apprendimento euristico? Approccio cognitivo e approccio ecologico all’apprendimento motorio a confronto: implicazioni didattiche e prospettive di integrazione. Rivista di cultura sportiva XXI N.55.
www.who.int (Topic: LifeSkills; Physical activity; Obesity)