The module, flanked by the reader's exercises to achieve the language levels required by the regulations, introduces textual linguistics, making it a prerequisite for a methodologically sound approach to translation. Theoretical lessons will alternate with exercises in translation into Italian in which different textual varieties will be dealt with. Beyond the textual dimension, the Diskurslinguistik inspired by M. Foucault will be tackled, which will be applied to the German literary language between the 18th and the early 19th century through the analysis of a range of representative examples of different textual genres.
(reference books)
Harald Weinrich, Linguistik der Lüge, Beck (trad. it. La lingua bugiarda, Il Mulino); M. Foschi Albert, Il profilo stilistico del testo, Plus – Pisa University Press, Pisa 2009;
Dispensa “Linguistica testuale e traduzione”.
Dispensa “Discorsi e media del Settecento”.