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21801981 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS in Political Science for Cooperation and Development L-36 N0 PISCIOTTA BARBARA
The course is articulated into two part. In the first part the major competiting theories (neorealism, institutional liberalism, radicalism and constructivism) are discussed and used to illustrate how each level of analysis can be applied to get an idea of war, conflict and international law. In the second part the course is focused on the most crucial transnational issues: the role of international organizations and international law, international political economy, terrorism, human rights and environmental challenge.
(reference books)
Program 8/9 CFU K. Mingst e I. Arreguín-Toft, Relazioni internazionali, a cura di B. Pisciotta, Utet, Novara 2012. F. Andreatta (a cura di), Le grandi opere delle relazioni internazionali, Il Mulino, Bologna 2011 Programma da 10 CFU
The full program (10 cfu) can be completed by reading also the following integrative paper in addition to the 8/9 cfu program:
K. Watz, Structural Realism after the Cold War, in “International Security”, 2000, 25, 1, pp. 5-41.