This course deals with the fundamentals of Work Psychology with the aim of providing a basic knowledge of: the main theories that have marked the development of this discipline, with a focus entrepreneurial education and self assessment competences;the methods and tools used in work psychology research.
(reference books)
• ARGENTERO, CORTESE, PICCARDO, Psicologia del lavoro, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano Cap: cap. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10,13 • V. Caggiano, Educazione Imprenditoriale, Aspetti psicologici dell’imprendere, Anicia Roma 2012 • V.Caggiano, Teachability and entrepreneurship education: summer school, teaching and learning way to be happy, Editorial Autores de Argentina; 1 edition (July 27, 2015) http://www.amazon.com/Teachability-entrepreneurship-education-teaching-learning-ebook/dp/B012TQOFB2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1441117249&sr=8-1&keywords=Teachability+and+entrepreneurship+education+%3A+summer+school%2C+teaching+and+learning+way+to+be+happy
Testi per non frequentanti V. Caggiano, Quantità e qualità nell’orientamento, Anicia, Roma 2010 Caggiano, V., Geria, E., La Formazione per le Risorse Umane con la Visual Art, Trento IBS, 2009