The final exam is structured in a written and an oral test. Students who attend classes will take two written intermediate tests, whose results will be considered in the final exam: 1 - at the end of the first part of the course (27 hours), for students who have attended at least 20 hours; 2 - for those who have passed thr initial written examination, at the end of the second part of the course ( last 27 hours lessons), with a frequency of at least 20 hours. The two midterm tests, if passed, can replace the final written exam. The two written interim tests and the final written one have both closed and open-response questions. A part of the oral test will concern the monogtaphic topic chosen by the student.
22901888 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Module: |
22901888-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Related or supplementary learning activities
The course is divided in two areas of study. The first aims to: - equip the student with basic knowledge of economics and economic policy, such as the measurement of the economic system (operators, production, national income and its use, public expenditure), the formation of prices, costs, investments, saving operation and the limitations of markets, state intervention in the economy and the labor market, the role of civil society, ect.; - provide some interpretative tools of economic phenomena through the knowledge of theories, quantitative analysis of the latest institutional references, with particular attention to policies of intervention in the filed of labor economics and human resources. The second aims to: - deepen, with macroeconomic and microeconomic approaches, the role of human resources for competitiveness and growth of economic systems in the short and long term; - analyze the most important facts that are charaterizing the current situation of economic and social crisis, togheter with the economic dynamics and evolution of the Italian labor market during the past years; - through the analysis of some monographic issues, provide interpretative tools inherent in the role of institutions and colletive actors in determining the implementation of employement policies and labor, and labor organization in the public and private sectors.
The course will be conducted through the examination of official documents and statistical analysis of the European Union, the Italian Government, Italian, foreign and regional Italian institutions.
(reference books)
La preparazione dovrà avvenire attraverso: 1) sintesi della lezione (inserite nella bacheca di facoltà), il cui testo viene aggiornato ogni anno, con ampliamenti ed integrato con approfondimenti e rinvii a contributi di ricercatori, docenti e di istituzioni nazionali e internazionali. si è preferita la via di un continuo aggiornamento tramite le lezioni, più che sistematizzare l’intero impianto del corso in un volume a stampa, visto il rapido evolversi degli scenari economici e sociali, delle dinamiche del mercato, l’intenso dibattito che affianca la proposte e le iniziative (comunitarie, nazionali, regionali) di politica economica e di interventi per agevolare l’occupazione; 2) allegati a singoli aspetti approfonditi nelle lezioni; 3) altri approfondimenti consigliati, che saranno messi a disposizione al termine delle lezioni del sito web della facoltà. Gli studenti non frequentanti, per la prova orale, dovranno concordare un tema monografico (da approfondire con articoli o saggi), da presentare e esporre in forma orale. Per i lavoratori - studenti impossibilitati a frequentare, verranno sperimentate modalità di apprendimento on line, con l'asistentza alla realizzazione di "tesine", come previsto per gli studenti frequentati.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2016 to 20/06/2016 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam
Module: |
22901888-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Related or supplementary learning activities
The course is divided in two areas of study. The fisrt aims to: - equip the student with basic knowledge of economics and economic policy, such as the measurement of the economic system (operators, production, national income and its use, public expenditure), the formation of prices, costs, investments, saving operation and the limitations of markets, state intervention in the economy and the labor market, the role of civil society, ect.; - provide some interpretative tools of economic phenomena through the knowledge of theories, quantitative analysis of the latest institutional references, with particular attention to policies of intervention in the filed of labor economics and human resources. The second aims to: - deepen, with macroeconomic and microeconomic approaches, the role of human resources for competitiveness and growth of economic systems in the short and long term; - analyze the most important facts that are charaterizing the current situation of economic and social crisis, togheter with the economic dynamics and evolution of the Italian labor market during the past years; - through the analysis of some monographic issues, provide interpretative tools inherent in the role of institutions and colletive actors in determining the implementation of employement policies and labor, and labor organization in the public and private sectors.
The course will be conducted through the examination of official documents and statistical analysis of the European Union, the Italian Government, Italian, foreign and regional Italian institutions.
(reference books)
La preparazione dovrà avvenire attraverso: 1) sintesi della lezione (inserite nella bacheca di facoltà), il cui testo viene aggiornato ogni anno, con ampliamenti ed integrato con approfondimenti e rinvii a contributi di ricercatori, docenti e di istituzioni nazionali e internazionali. si è preferita la via di un continuo aggiornamento tramite le lezioni, più che sistematizzare l’intero impianto del corso in un volume a stampa, visto il rapido evolversi degli scenari economici e sociali, delle dinamiche del mercato, l’intenso dibattito che affianca la proposte e le iniziative (comunitarie, nazionali, regionali) di politica economica e di interventi per agevolare l’occupazione; 2) allegati a singoli aspetti approfonditi nelle lezioni; 3) altri approfondimenti consigliati, che saranno messi a disposizione al termine delle lezioni del sito web della facoltà. Gli studenti non frequentanti, per la prova orale, dovranno concordare un tema monografico (da approfondire con articoli o saggi), da presentare e esporre in forma orale. Per i lavoratori - studenti impossibilitati a frequentare, verranno sperimentate modalità di apprendimento on line, con l'asistentza alla realizzazione di "tesine", come previsto per gli studenti frequentati.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2016 to 20/06/2016 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam