I. GENERAL PART: 1. Instrumental purpose of the civil procedure: actions and proceedings; Straight substantial right and «Due process of Law». Jurisdictional protection and private self-defense. Right of action. Sources of civil procedure. Forms of jurisdictional protection. 2. Courts. Judges power (jurisdiction). Choosing the Forum. Modifications of jurisdiction because of connection among claims. Suspension of the proceedings. Auxiliaries of the judge. 3. Parties. Notion. Capacity. Standing to sue: necessary joinders; intervention; the Public Prosecutor. Collective redresses (class actions and collective actions); 4. Pleadings and costs. Data processing civil proceedings. II. FIRST INSTANCE PROCEEDINGS: 1. First instance proceedings: ordinary proceedings before the lower Courts; ordinary proceedings before honorary judges (giudice di pace); proceedings for labour claims and their effectiveness; summary proceedings; proceedings before the Court of Appeal as a first instance Court; 2. Commencement of the proceedings; 3. Presentation of the pleadings; 4. Evidence gathering. 5. Kinds of proofs and evidences rules. 6.- The statement. Judgements. Definitive and not-definitive judgements. Formal and substantial res iudicata. 7. Conciliation. 8. Abandonment and dismissal of action. III. APPEALS: 1. General overview. 2. Classification; 2.1. Appeal in ordinary proceedings and in special ones. 2.2. Appeal to regulate the Forum. 2.3. Appeal before the Supreme Court of Cassazione. 2.4. Revision: 2.5. Third party opposition
(reference books)
One of the following manuals, with reference to the topics above mentioned
- G. ARIETA, F. DE SANTIS, L. MONTESANO, Corso base di diritto processuale civile5, CEDAM, Padova, 2013; - oppure: G. BALENA, Istituzioni di diritto processuale civile4, Cacucci, Bari, 2015 (vol. III ed. 2016); - oppure: L.P.COMOGLIO, C. FERRI, M. TARUFFO, Lezioni sul processo civile7, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2015; - oppure: C. CONSOLO, Spiegazioni di diritto processuale civile4, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015; - oppure: F. P. LUISO, Diritto processuale civile8, Giuffré, Milano, 2015; - oppure: C. MANDRIOLI, Diritto processuale civile24, a cura di A. CARRATTA, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015 (forthcoming new edition); - oppure: G. MONTELEONE, Manuale di diritto processuale civile7, CEDAM, Padova, 2015; - oppure: A. PROTO PISANI, Lezioni di diritto processuale civile6, Jovene, Napoli, 2014; - oppure: N. PICARDI, Manuale del processo civile3, Giuffrè, Milano, 2015; - oppure: C. PUNZI, Il processo civile. Sistema e problematiche. Le riforme del quinquennio 2010-2014, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015; - oppure: B. SASSANI, Lineamenti del processo civile italiano5, Giuffré, Milano, 2015; - oppure: G. VERDE, Diritto processuale civile4, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2015.
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