The children's literature allows you to discover the world through different eyes, from different perspectives, to recover the imaginary dimension. But the educator is able to turn the stories into a '"educational adventure": the plunge into reading fairy tales and stories, inventing stories and build tools are available to children and young people to conquer the reality, to "grow". Today it is increasingly necessary to broaden our vision to explore, with courage, curiosity and interest, new poetry and new languages. These are often new products and narrative works not fully explored and analyzed, as in the case of migrant writers for children's fiction. The course aims to provide students with: • an overview of the main theories of children's literature; • an overview of the different narrative genres and their contamination; • knowledge of the promotion of reading and animation tools; • a discussion of the issues dealt with in fiction for children from migrant writers; • an analysis of the educational potential of narrative and narrate in uncomfortable contexts.
The organization of the course consists of lectures and seminars and workshop activities. We will therefore use participatory teaching methods.
(reference books)
Basic Course: 6 CFU Elena Zizioli, Storie che educano, integrano e cambiano il mondo, in M. Camerucci (a cura di), Metamorfosi e nuovi scenari pedagogici, Morlacchi, Perugia 2013, pp.181-220. Lorenzo Luatti, E noi? Il posto degli scrittori migranti nella narrativa per ragazzi, Sinnos Editrice, Roma 2010. Bianca Pitzorno, Storia delle mie storie (complete edition) Gianni Rodari, Grammatica della fantasia (complete edition)
Choice of three texts by three different authors migrants among the works listed in the bibliography section curated by Luatti in the text presented above, pp. 189-209. To supplement the program, download the PDF study materials published on the bulletin board section teacher instructional materials.
Integration: 3 CFUE. Zizioli, Educare oggi tra rischi e opportunità, in M. Camerucci (a cura di), Bisogni educativi emergenti: ridefinire un percorso, Morlacchi, Perugia, 2014. A text among: Antonella Cristofaro, Elena Zizioli, La raccolta delle rose, Anicia, Roma 2014; E. Zizioli, A. Cristofaro (a cura di), Il Sole e le Stelle nel Nido di Rebibbia, UniversItalia, Roma 2015.