The course aims to provide an analytical and critical framework of the legal and financial profiles of the protection of savings, with reference to the governance of companies and financial markets, in Italy and at European and international level.
(reference books)
M. Atripaldi, La tutela del risparmio popolare nell’ordinamento italiano, Editoriali scientifica, 2014: introduction, chapter II, IV, conclusions; F. Annunziata, La disciplina del mercato mobiliare, Giappichelli, 2017, chapters III, XV, XVI Other papers may be distributed during class
Testi – Modulo 2
1) Enriques, L., 2012. Le regole della finanza. Diritto societario e mercato in Italia e in Europa. IBL Libri. Capitoli 1, 3, 4, 8 2) Berk, J., DeMarzo, P., Morresi, O., Venanzi, D., 2018. Finanza Aziendale 2, Capitolo 11. 3) Fidanza, B., Morresi, O., Pezzi, A., 2018. The decision to delist from the stock market. Palgrave. Capitolo 1. 4) Walter, I., 2004. Conflicts of interest and market discipline among financial service firms, European Management Journal 22(4), 361-376