Introduction to enviromental Remore Sensign. The role of Earth or Satellite based Remote Sensing for monitoring the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. The electromagnetic spectrum and the main Remote Sensing techniques.
Parameters measured by the sensors and thermal emission. Parameters of interaction between radiation and natural media. Blackbody emission: Planck law, Stephan-Boltzmann law, Wien law. Real body emission. Emissivity. Absorbivity. Kirchhoff law. Parameters of interaction with single object. Volumetric parameters and surface parameters. Specular and Lambert surface. Reflection and transmission by plane surface a dielectric slab. Radiative transfer equation. Solution in low-scattering or not-scattering media and its application to microwave radiometry.
Microwave passive Remote Sensing of the Earth surface. Emission and reflective properties of bare and vegetated soil. Effects of roughnesses and water content. Measures of soil water content. Emission and reflective proparties of the sea surface. Measurem,ents of Sea Surface Temperature, salinity, and wind speed. Emission and reflective properties of snow and ice.
Microwave passive Remote Sensing of the atmosphere. Composition of the atmosphere. Models of temperature, water vapor, and pressure. Mechanisms of interaction of the electromagnetic waves with the atmosphere: absorption and emission from atmospheric gas, scattering by atmospheric particles. Atmospheric parameters from ground of satellite: vertical profiles of temperature and water vapor. Rainfall rate. Limb sounding of the atmosphere.
Radiometers for microwave passive Remote Sensing. System noise. Fundamentals of a radiometer: antenna temperature. Examples of radiometers: total power radiometer, Dicke radiometer. Scanning and tracking in radiometer: along-tracck- and across-track scanning, conical scanning. Geometric and radiometric resolution. Present satellite missions. Active sensors for Microwave Remote Sensing. Radar for microwave Remote Sensing: generalities. Radar equation. Radar ad impulsi: misura della distanza; portata strumentale; ambiguità in distanza. Lo scatterometro: funzionamento ed applicazioni. Scatterometro in modalità side-looking.
(reference books)
P. Ferrazzoli, “Introduzione al Telerilevamento ambientale”, Aracne, 1993. G. Galati e A. Gilardini, “Tecniche e strumenti per il Telerilevamento ambientale”, Roma, 2000. Dispense fornite dal docente su Moodle