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20702775 HISTORY OF ANCIENT CHRISTIANITY in LETTERE (DM 270) L-10 (professor to define)
An introduction to the Ancient Christianity The course intends to provide an outline of Ancient Christianity’s history, from the beginnings (Jesus of Nazareth and the Judaic milieu) to the early seventh century (Gregory the Great) in its political and cultural context and in its doctrinal, religious, ritual and institutional development, across a critical reading of sources and historiography. It will give ample space to documents’ reading and comment about the discussed subjects, dealing with methodological questions and giving ample space to historiografical debate, also with use of the maps, graphics and iconographic sources and another audiovisual tools.
(reference books)
- Dossier of documents provided from the teacher. - G. JOSSA, Il Cristianesimo antico: dalle origini al concilio di Nicea, Roma, Carocci, 2006. - Storia del Cristianesimo, a cura di G. FILORAMO - D. MENOZZI, Vol. I. L’antichità, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997 e successive ristampe, pp. 275-442.