By the end of the term, students should be able to: 1. Utilize a generalist perspective in understanding the relationship between interviewing, assessment and documentation; 2. Understand the importance of social work ethics and professionalism when addressing accountability, reimbursement and legal liability considerations in social work documentation; 3. Demonstrate the ability to document micro (individual client), mezzo (groups) and macro agency (meeting agendas, minutes, etc) social work services; 4. Demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge about client diversity (ethnic, racial, class, religious, gender, age, sexual orientation, social and economic justice), when recording client data; 5. Utilize the planned change process to communicate in writing appropriate suggestions for agency and client change; 6. Demonstrate the ability to utilize various formats when writing progress notes and written treatment/goal plans. 7. Demonstrate awareness of documentation considerations in special client cases (child abuse, high-risk clients, suicide, etc..)