BY THE END OF THE TERM, STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: 1. UTILIZE A GENERALIST PERSPECTIVE IN UNDERSTANDING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERVIEWING, ASSESSMENT AND DOCUMENTATION; 2. UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL WORK ETHICS AND PROFESSIONALISM WHEN ADDRESSING ACCOUNTABILITY CONSIDERATIONS IN SOCIAL WORK DOCUMENTATION; 3. DEMONSTRATE THE ABILITY TO DOCUMENT MICRO (INDIVIDUAL CLIENT), MEZZO (GROUPS) AND MACRO AGENCY (MEETING AGENDAS, MINUTES, ETC) SOCIAL WORK SERVICES; 4. DEMONSTRATE THE ABILITY TO INCLUDE CONTENT FORM MULTIPLE THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES AND INTERVENTIONS IN CLIENT DOCUMENTATION; 5. APPLY THE STRENGTHS PERSPECTIVE IN CLIENT DOCUMENTATION; 6. UTILIZE DOCUMENTATION SKILLS TO ADVOCATE ON BEHALF OF CLIENT ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL JUSTICE; 7. demonstrate knowledge of agency documentation and record keeping requirements (i.e. case records, professional letters, treatment plans) 8. demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge about client diversity (athnic, racial, class, religious, gender, age, sexual orientation, social and economic justice), when recording client data; 9. utilize the planned change process to communicate in writing appropriate suggestions for agency and client change; 10. demonstrate the ability to utilize various formats when writing progress notes and written treatment/goal plans. 11. demonstrate awareness of documentations in special client cases (child abuse, high-risk clients, suicide, etc)