Objectives of the course The laboratory "Social interests representation and lobbying" is aimed at investigating, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective, the characters of the social interests representation face to policy makers and public opinion, the main responses and functions performed by central and peripheral political system to it, the role of this kind of lobbying, compared to economic interests representation.
Program Topics Third Sector subjects: social promotion associations, volunteers’ organizations, social cooperatives and enterprises, ngo, foundations, other non business private subjects. Third Sector as specila interest group and its relations to the political and institutional system. European political system and T.S. representation: EESC the European Economic and Social Committee. Italian political system and Third Sector interest representation: 1. CNEL, Economic and Labour National Council and the Observatory on Social Economy; 2. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies – General Direction for the Third Sector: National Observatory on Associations and on Volunteering. Other actors for national interest representation: National Forum on Third Sector. Regional representation: 1.qualified participation of the T.S. to regional policy making processes; 2.mixed bodies like CREL, Regional Councils on Economy and Labour; 3.representative bodies for social autonomies. Thirs sector and public institutions within regional institutional contexts: 1. Service Centers for Volunteering and 2.Regional Observatories on associations and volunteering. Tools and techniques for representing social interests.