You can create "the sense of the book," as recalled Gianni Rodari? Is the educator to know how to transform the read and narrate in a ' "educational adventure": the plunge into reading through the tales or stories of various types, the retrace one's own experience or learn to invent and build stories, allow discover worlds and recover the imaginary dimension. The narrative then becomes one tool available to children and young people to conquer the reality, to "grow." And if education today can only be declined with values such as solidarity, brotherhood, to form a '' earthly identity ", you need to broaden our vision to explore new imagery, new poetry, new languages, to which the 'educator should be able to look with courage, curiosity and interest. These are often new products and narrative works not fully explored and analyzed, as in the case of migrant writers for children's fiction.
The course is aimed at providing students with: - an overview of the main theories of children's literature - an overview of the different narrative genres and how they are ‘contaminated’; - a discussion of the topics covered in the children's fiction by migrant writers; - an analysis of the tools for the promotion and animation of reading; - an analysis of the educational potential of narrating as a tool of inclusion in contexts of risk and discomfort. The organization of the course consists of lectures, seminars and workshops. We will therefore adopt participatory and interactive teaching methods.
(reference books)
Basic Course: 6 CFU Emy Beseghi, Giorgia Grilli, La letteratura invisibile. Infanzia e libri per bambini, Carocci, Roma 2011. Lorenzo Luatti, E noi? Il posto degli scrittori migranti nella narrativa per ragazzi, Sinnos Editrice, Roma 2010. Three texts in choice of three different authors migrants among the works listed in the bibliography section curated by Luatti in the text above example, pp. 189-209. Among the classics of Italian literature any text of each of the following authors: Bianca Pitzorno, Roberto Piumini e Gianni Rodari.
Integration: 3 CFU Elena Zizioli, Storie che educano, integrano e cambiano il mondo, in M. Camerucci (a cura di), Metamorfosi e nuovi scenari pedagogici, Morlacchi, Perugia 2013, pp. 181-220. Alternatively you can bring: Elisabetta Biffi, Narrazione e pratiche educative: fra infanzia e adolescenza, in Duccio Demetrio, Educare è narrare. Le teorie, le pratiche, la cura, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano – Udine 2012, pp. 73-116. Antonella Cristofaro, Elena Zizioli, La raccolta delle rose, Anicia, Roma (in corso di stampa) To complement the program, you can download some study materials in PDF format on the bulletin board teacher.