The reading for the kids and the kids did not only recreational purposes; if exercised on an unquestioning texts and recognized aesthetic and literary value, it can be educational activity in more areas: linguistic, cognitive, aesthetic, ethical, experiential. The course, therefore, insists on the educational dimension of children's literature, not neglecting the epistemological debate on discipline, defining areas and the main and most current theories. Through reading routes targeted on different genres and themes, students will have the chance to rediscover some "classics" and appreciate contemporary works from different countries and cultures, thus following the historical development of children's literature from the eighteenth century up to the outcomes of the most recent debates . The course will provide some tools you need to make a careful assessment of the various educational products, with the suggestion of techniques for the promotion of reading and entertainment with the help of fantasy and imagination. The course aims to provide students with: - A basic understanding of the historical development of children's literature from the eighteenth century to the present day, through the analysis of some classic and contemporary works, with emphasis on the typical literary genres in the industry; - An overview of the main theories on children's literature; - Knowledge for the promotion of reading and animation tools.
(reference books)
Integration: 3 CFU Gianni Rodari, Grammatica della fantasia (complete edition). Ermanno Detti, Piccoli lettori crescono. Come avvicinare bambini e ragazzi alla lettura, Edizioni Erickson, Trento 2012.