The course "Progetto degli Spazi Aperti" proposes a study on the feasibility of the first Widespread Botanical Garden of Rome. The design of the Botanical Garden is an opportunity to re-consider two urban different realities of the city, part of Ostiense and Valco San Paolo Districts. Some surveys will be carried out during the course, in order to take not only data and informations, but also sensitivity to the perception of the elements that collaborate to the shape of the "open spaces." Following the next survey and critical analysis of the area, it will work in the classroom by design. The experimentation on this project will be based on the research of a design matrix that can redefine an urban identity through the re-reading of the structure of the city and the use of different habitats that contribute to the formation of a botanical garden. The classroom work will be supported by lectures on the theory and practice of landscape discipline and botany.
(reference books)
AA.VV., 2010 – Ambiente, Paesaggio e Infrastrutture. Manuali e Linee Guida, ISPRA. 3 Vol.
Volume 1: http://www.isprambiente.gov.it/it/pubblicazioni/manuali-e-linee-guida/ambiente-paesaggio-e-infrastrutture-volume-1
Volume 2: http://www.isprambiente.gov.it/it/pubblicazioni/manuali-e-linee-guida/Ambiente-Paesaggio-e-Infrastrutture-Volume-II
Volume 3: http://www.isprambiente.gov.it/it/pubblicazioni/manuali-e-linee-guida/ambiente-paesaggio-e-infrastrutture-volume-iii
Blasi C., Paolella A., 1992 – Progettazione ambientale. La Nuova Italia Scientifica.
Ferrari M., Medici D., 1998 – Alberi e arbusti in Italia. Edagricole.
Pignatti S. (ed.), 1995 – Ecologia Vegetale. UTET.
Ubaldi D., 2003 – Flora, fitocenosi e ambiente. Elementi di geobotanica e fitosociologia. CLUEB editore.