Temi trattati durante le lezioni:
INTRODUZIONE The stakeholders and the company’s disclosure (financial statements and sustainability information) Governance and Risk Disclosure
DEFINIZIONE E CATEGORIE DI RISCHIO, GOVERNANCE & RISK, RISK MANAGEMENT Risk definition, Governance & risk: the new code of Governance The basic processes of Risk Management Approaches, methods and techniques used to manage risk The different kinds of risk Strategic risks, operational risks, financial risks, credit risks, liquidity risks Financial and Non-financial risks Insurance risk and other risks,
ANALISI DEI RISCHI NON FINANZIARI CSR and sustainaibility disclosure environmental, social and governance (ESG) and climate change-related information Non-financial statement: scope, content and publication, European Commission Action Plan Non-financial key performance indicators and main standards Specific topics: ITC, cyber security, compliance risks Management and communication of an event risk: the Covid case
ANALISI DEI RISCHI ATTRAVERSO LA LETTURA DEI BILANCI The Italian jurisdiction about financial statements (Civil Code and IAS/IFRS), structure of the Italian accounting systems, substance over form, fair value, risks disclosure in financial statements: risks reports Financial risks communication by financial instruments accounting definition of financial instruments recognition and measurement of financial instrument expected loss model derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities, Specific issues: securitization, repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions derivatives and hedge accounting Selected topics regarding insurance companies (layouts, measurement criteria, technical provisions, mathematical provisions, risks report) Risk communication by lease accounting
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