Del Giudice Paolo

Affidamento a titolo gratuito 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code FISICA TEORICA, MODELLI E METODI MATEMATICI (FIS/02)
University Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
College/Department Department  MATEMATICA E FISICA 


2011-: adjunct professor of "Neural Networks" at the Physics Department of Sapienza University - 2009-2011: lecturer for the PhD program at the Physics Department of Sapienza University - 2016-: member of the steering committee of the ISS-INFN agreement - 2011-2015: coordinator of the INFN unit at ISS. - 2014-2015: member of the ISS Scientific Committee. - 2009: Visiting scientist at the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM), Barcelona - 2000: appointed as consultant of the ministry of University and Research. - Principal investigator for ISS of 5 European research projects, Coordinator of 11 INFN projects (5 as national coordinator, 6 as local coordinator) - Principal investigator of a bilateral grant ISS-NIH - Principal investigator for ISS of the project ‘Tools and strategies in rehabilitation’ (grant of th Italian MInistry of Health) - Co-organizer of 6 international workshops/schools on neural networks and co-editor of the corresponding proceedings. - Member of the editorial boards of the journals Advances in artificial neural systems and Computational intelligence and neuroscience, and Associate Editor for the journals Frontiers in Neuroengineering e Frontiers in Neuromorphic Engineering. - Evaluator for several international projects, including EU-MCSA, and for ANVUR (in 2013 and 2016). - Regularly serving as reviewer for several journals; 2 invited talks per year on average during the last five years - Supervisor or co-supervisor for 22 ‘laurea’ theses, and tutor or co-tutor for 11 PhD theses Research areas (in approximate chronological order) • statistical mechanics of neural networks • application of neural networks to the classification of collision events in high energy physics • information transmission in noisy linear networks • statistical analysis of non-coding DNA portions • computational problems in the optimization of radiotherapy treatment plans • population dynamics of networks of spiking neurons • learning dynamics in coupled networks of spiking neurons and plastic synapses • microelectronic implementation of neural models. • data analysis and modeling of in-vivo and in-vitro electrophysiology experiments • statistical mechanics methods for model inference from neural recordings Publications International refereed journals 1. P. Del Giudice, S. Franz, M.A. Virasoro: "Perceptron beyond the limit of capacity", J. Phys. France , 1989,vol. 50, p.121 2. M. Ciuchini, P. Del Giudice (with DELPHI Collaboration): “Classification of the hadronic decays of the Z into b and c quark pairs using a neural network”, Physics Letters B295, 383 1992 3. M. Ciuchini, A. De Angelis, P. Del Giudice: ”Neural networks for physics analysis in DELPHI”, International Journal of Neural Systems, supplementary issue, p. 255, 1993 4. E. Merlo Pich, P. Del Giudice:"Can neural networks be used as models for neuropsychological disfunction?", International Journal of Neural Systems, supplementary issue p. 163, 1993, 5. Campa, P. Del Giudice, J.-P. Nadal e N. Parga, "Neural networks as optimal information processors", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C5, 855 (1994). 6. Campa, P. Del Giudice e N. Parga, "Noisy information transmisssion in a linear neural Pagina 3/7 - Curriculum vitae di Paolo Del Giudice network: a stability analysis", Int. J. Neur. Syst., supp. issue 1995, p.147 7. Campa, P. Del Giudice, N. Parga and J.-P. Nadal:"Maximization of mutual information in a linear noisy network: a detailed study", Network 6, 449 (1995). 8. B.Caccia, P. Del Giudice, M. Ferraris, P. Risso, S. Squarcia, S. Valentini: “Using World Wide Web as a tool to transmit clinical hadrotherapic data in the RITA project”, Physica Medica XIII, 1997 9. P. Del Giudice, S. Fusi, D. Badoni, V. Dante, D.J. Amit Learning attractors in an asynchronous, stochastic electronic neural network , Network, 9 183-205 (1998) 10. Mattia, M., Del Giudice, P. (2000). Efficient Event-Driven Simulation of Large Networks of Spiking Neurons and Dynamical Synapses. Neural Computation, 12,(10): 2305-2329. 11. Benassi, M., Caccia, B., Del Giudice, P., Marzi, S., Mattia, M. (2000). A comparative study of optimization procedures for intensity modulated beams. Radiotherapy & Oncology, 56 (Suppl.1). 12. Marzi, S., Mattia, M., Del Giudice, P., Caccia, B., Benassi, M.(2001) Optimization of intensity modulated radiation therapy: assessing the complexity of the problem. Ann.Ist.Super.Sanità, vol.37, n 2:225-230. 13. Dante V., Del Giudice, P., Mattia, M. (2001). Implementation of neuromorphic systems: from discrete components to analog VLSI chips (testing and communication issues). Ann.Ist.Super.Sanità, vol.37, n 2:231-238. 14. Del Giudice, P., Mattia, M. (2001). Long and short-term synaptic plasticity and the formation of working memory: a case study. Neurocomputing, 38-40:1175-1180. 15. Mattia, M., Del Giudice, P. Population dynamics of interacting spiking neurons, Physical Review E 66-051917-1-19 2002 16. E. Bultrini, E. Pizzi, P. Del Giudice and C. Frontali (2003) Pentamer vocabularies characterizing introns and intron-like intergenic tracts from Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, GENE 304, 183-192 17. E. Chicca, D. Badoni, V. Dante, M. D'Andreagiovanni, G. Salina, L. Carota, S. Fusi and P. Del Giudice (2003) A VLSI recurrent network of integrate-and-fire neurons connected by plastic synapses with long term memory, IEEE Trans. Neur. Networks, 14, Issue 5, Sept. 2003, pp. 1297- 1307 18. M. Mattia and P. Del Giudice, A distribution of spike transmission delays affects the stability of interacting spiking neurons, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 18, 2003, pp. 335-342 19. P. Del Giudice, S. Fusi and M. Mattia, Modeling the formation of working memory with networks of integrate-and-fire neurons connected by plastic synapses, Journal of Physiology Paris 97 (2003), pp. 659 - 681 20. M. Mattia, P. Del Giudice, B. Caccia, IMRT optimization: variability of solutions and its radiobiological impact, Medical Physics 31, 2004 21. Maurizio Mattia and Paolo Del Giudice, Finite-size dynamics of inhibitory and excitatory interacting spiking neurons, Physical review E 70, 052903 (2004) 22. M. Szabo, G. Deco, S. Fusi, P. Del Giudice, M. Mattia and M. Stetter, Learning to attend: modelling the shaping of selectivity in infero-temporal cortex in a categorization task, Biological Cybernetics 94, 351, 2006 23. D. Martì, G. Deco, P. Del Giudice, M. Mattia, Reward-biased probabilistic decisionmarking: mean-field predictions and spiking simulations, Neurocomputing 69 (2006) 1175–1178 24. G.Gigante, P. Del Giudice, M. Mattia, Frequency-dependent response properties of adapting spiking neurons, Mathematical Biosciences 207, June 2007, Pages 336-351 25. E. Chicca, A.M. Whatley, P. Lichtsteiner, V. Dante, T. Delbruck, P. Del Giudice R. J. Douglas and G. Indiveri, Multi-chip pulse based neuromorphic systems: a communication infrastructure and an application example, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 54:(5) 981-993, May 2007 26. G. Gigante, M. Mattia, P. Del Giudice, Diverse population bursting modes of adapting Pagina 4/7 - Curriculum vitae di Paolo Del Giudice spiking neurons, Phys.Rev.Lett. 98, 148101 (2007) 27. M. Giulioni, M. Pannunzi, D. Badoni, V. Dante and P. Del Giudice Classification of overlapping patterns with a configurable analog VLSI neural network of spiking neurons and self-regulating plastic synapses Neural Computation 21 (11), 3106 (2009) 28. D. Martì, G. Deco, M. Mattia, G. Gigante, P. Del Giudice A fluctuation-driven mechanism for slow decision processes in reverberant networks, PLoS One, 3, e2534, 2008 29. G. Gigante, M Mattia, J. Braun and P. Del Giudice Bistable Perception Modeled as Competing Stochastic Integrations at Two Levels, PLoS Comp. Biol., 5, e1000430, 2009 30. M Mattia, S. Ferraina and P. Del Giudice Dissociated multi-unit activity and local field potentials: a theory-inspired analysis of a motor decision task NeuroImage, 52, 3, 821, 2010 31. M. Giulioni, P. Camilleri, M. Mattia, V. Dante, J. Braun, and P. Del Giudice Robust working memory in an asynchronously spiking neural network realized with neuromorphic VLSI Frontiers in Neuromorphic Engineering 5:149, 2012. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2011.00149 32. Simeon A. Bamford , Roni Hogri , Andrea Giovannucci, Aryeh H. Taub, Ivan Herreros, Paul F.M.J. Verschure, Matti Mintz, Paolo Del Giudice A VLSI field-programmable mixed-signal array to perform neural signal processing and neural modelling in a prosthetic system IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 20, 4, 455, 2012 33. Mario Pannunzi, Guido Gigante, Maurizio Mattia, Gustavo Deco, Stefano Fusi, and Paolo Del Giudice Learning selective top-down control enhances performance in a visual categorization task J Neurophysiol; December 1, 2012 108:3124-3137 34. Maurizio Mattia, Pierpaolo Pani,Giovanni Mirabella, Stefania Costa, Paolo Del Giudice, Stefano Ferraina Heterogeneous attractor cell assemblies for motor planning in premotor cortex, The Journal of Neuroscience, July 3, 2013 33(27):11155–11168 35. Paolo Motto Ros, Vittorio Dante, Luca Mesin, Erminio Petetti, Paolo Del Giudice, and Eros Pasero Dynamic Tactile Display for Reconfigurable Braille, Frontiers in Neuroengineering, April 8 2014 36. Odysseas Papazachariadis, Vittorio Dante, Paul F M J Verschure, Paolo Del Giudice, Stefano Ferraina LTP-like plasticity parallels oscillatory activity changes in the primary sensory and motor areas, PloS One, Vol. 9, Issue 11, 2014 37. Hogri, R., Bamford, S.A., Magal, A., Taub, A.H., Del Giudice*, P., Mintz*, M. A model-based closed-loop neuroprosthesis for the substitution of a cerebellar learning function Scientific Report, February 2015, DOI: 10.1038/srep08451 (*: joint senior authors) 38. Cristiano Capone, Carla Filosa, Guido Gigante, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Paolo del Giudice, Inferring Synaptic Structure in presence of Neural Interaction Time Scales PLoS One, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0118412 March 25, 2015 39. Massimiliano Giulioni, Federico Corradi, Vittorio Dante, and Paolo del Giudice, Real time unsupervised learning of visual stimuli in neuromorphic VLSI systems, Scientific Report, October 14, 2015, 5:14730, DOI: 10.1038/srep14730 40. Guido Gigante, Gustavo Deco, Shimon Marom and Paolo Del Giudice, Network events on multiple space and time scales in cultured neural networks and in a stochastic rate model PLOS Computational Biology, Nov 11 2015, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004547 41. C. Capone, B. Rebollo, A. Muñoz, X. Illa, P. Del Giudice, M.V. Sanchez-Vives, M. Mattia, Slow-waves in cortical slices: how spontaneous activity is shaped by laminar structure, Cerebral Cortex, 1-17 (2017) 42. G. Baglietto, G. Gigante and P. Del Giudice Pagina 5/7 - Curriculum vitae di Paolo Del Giudice Density-based clustering: A 'landscape view' of multi-channel neural data for inference and dynamic complexity analysis PLoS One, April 2017; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174918 43. A. Suppa, A. Quartarone, H. Siebner, R. Chen, V. Lazzaro, P. Del Giudice, W. Paulus, J.C. Rothwell, U. Ziemann, J. Classen, The associative brain at work: Evidence from paired associative stimulation studies in humans Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (2017) 2140–2164 44. C. Capone, G. Gigante, P. Del Giudice, Spontaneous activity emerging from an inferred network model captures complex temporal dynamics of spiking data Scientific Report 8(1), 17056 (2018) 45. M. D'Andola, M. Giulioni, V. Dante, P. Del Giudice, M.V. Sanchez-Vives Control of cortical oscillatory frequency by a closed-loop system Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilation, (16:7) (2019) 46. Elena Pastorelli, Cristiano Capone, Francesco Simula, Maria V. Sanchez-Vives, Paolo Del Giudice, Maurizio Mattia, Pier Stanislao Paolucci Scaling of a large-scale simulation of synchronous slow-wave and asynchronous awake-like activity of a cortical model with long-range interconnections Under review ( Peer-reviewed proceedings and book chapters 47. P. Carnevali, P. Del Giudice, S. Patarnello: "Memoria, generalizzazione e apprendimento nelle reti neuronali", Note di Informatica IBM, n. 19, 1988 48. P. Del Giudice: "A measure of the complexity of a rule from Simulated Annealing", in "Parallel Architectures and Neural Networks", ed. E. Caianiello; World Scientific Singapore, 1990 49. P. Del Giudice, E. Merlo Pich, G. Rizzolatti:"Neural network models of visuomotor information processing: further studies on simulations of the response properties of inferior area 6 neurons during goal-directed motor acts", proceedings of "third italian workshop on parallel architectures and neural networks", Vietri, Italy, E. Caianiello ed., World Scientific Singapore 1990 50. P. Del Giudice, E. Merlo Pich, G. Rizzolatti: "Computational strategy in the premotor cortex of the monkey: a neural network model", in : Nato advanced research Workshop " Biologically inspired physics" , L. Peliti, S. Leibler ed., Plenum Press 1991 51. P. Del Giudice, P. Branchini, M. Ciuchini:”B tagging with neural networks: an alternative use of single particle information for discriminating jet events”, in "New computing techniques in physics research II’" p. 435, D. Perret Gallix ed., WSPC 1992 52. P. Branchini, M. Ciuchini, G. Cosmo, U. Dauru, A. De Angelis, P. del Giudice, L. Lyons, A. Saccavini and F. Stringhetta: "b tagging using shape variables in the hadronic decays of the Z", Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on "Software engineering artificial intelligence and expert systems for high energy and nuclear physics". K.H. Becks and D. Perret-Gallix eds., World Scientific,1994, p. 283. 53. Campa, P. Del Giudice, N. Parga and J.-P. Nadal: "Mutual information in a linear noisy network", in "Neural networks for signal processing V", F. Girosi, J. Makhoul, E. Manolakos, E. Wilson Eds., IEEE Inc., 1995. 54. Del Giudice,S. Fusi: “Attractor dynamics in an electronic neural network”, proceedings ICANN97, Lecture notes in computer science, Springer 1997, pag. 1265 55. Bezenchek et al., "The RITA network", in: "The TERA project, the RITA network and the design of compact proton accelerators", Vol. 2, U. Amaldi, M. Grandolfo and L. Picardi eds. 56. M.Mattia, P. Del Giudice and D.J. Amit, Asynchronous simulation of large networks of spiking neurons and dynamical synapses Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Skovde, Sweden, September 1998, L.Niklasson, M. Boden and T. Ziemke eds., Springer, v. 2 57. D.J. Amit, P. Del Giudice and S. Fusi, Apprendimento dinamico della memoria di lavoro: una realizzazione elettronica, (in italian) in "Frontiere della vita", vol 3: Sistemi intelligenti, pagg. 599-616, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani 1999 58. Caccia, B., Del Giudice, P., Marzi, S., Mattia, M., Benassi, M. Radioterapia con fasci ad intensità modultata: definizione di una funzione costo per l'ottimizzazione del piano di cura. (in italian) In: Atti del II Congresso Nazionale A.I.F.M. Associazione Italiana di Fisica in Medicina. Brescia, 12-16 giugno 2001. p.217-218. 59. Fusi, S., Del Giudice and Amit, D.J. (2000). Neurophysiology of a VLSI spiking neural Pagina 6/7 - Curriculum vitae di Paolo Del Giudice network: LANN21.In: Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. S.I.Amari, L.Giles, V.Gori and M.Piuri (Eds.), Vol.III pag. 121-126. 60. Dante, V., Del Giudice, P. (2001) The PCI-AER interface board. In Report on the Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering. A.Cohen, S.Shama, G.Indiveri and T.Hoiuchi (Eds.).Telluride, CO, 1-21 luglio 2001. pag. 99-103. 61. D'Andreagiovanni, V., Dante, V., Del Giudice, P., Mattia, M., Salina, G. (2001). Emergent asynchronous irregular firing in a deterministic analog VLSI recurret network. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Neuroinformatics (Vienna 2001), ARGESIM Reports, F.Rattey (Ed.) pag. 478-486. 62. M. Mattia and P. Del Giudice, Mean-field population dynamics of spiking neurons with random synaptic delays, Proceedings of ICANN2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. R. Dorronsoro Ed., 111-116, 2002 63. P. Del Giudice and G. Parisi, Modelli computazionali in neuroscienze (in italian), Enciclopedia del Novecento, Suppl., Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Treccani, suppl. III 2004 64. P. Del Giudice and M. Mattia, Stochastic population dynamics of spiking neurons, in "Advances in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics", pp.125 - 153, Nova Science Publisher, 2004 65. D. Badoni, M. Giulioni, V. Dante, P. Del Giudice, An aVLSI Recurrent Network of Spiking Neurons with Reconfigurable and Plastic Synapses, Proc. ISCAS2006 Conference, 1227- 1230 66. G. Mirabella, P. Pani, M. Mattia, R.H. Wurtz, S. Ferraina, P. Del Giudice, The control of the initiation and the inhibitio of voluntary movements: experimental analysis and theorical modelling of the neural correlates at the population level, ISTISAN reports 2006/50 67. P. Del Giudice Modelli interpretativi dei circuiti neuronali (in italian) Libro dell’anno Treccani 2006, 392-410. 68. P. Camilleri, M. Giulioni, V. Dante, D. Badoni, G. Indiveri, B. Michaelis, J. Braun, P. del Giudice, A Neuromorphic aVLSI network chip with configurable plastic synapses, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference On Hybrid Intelligent Systems, IEEE 2007 69. M. Giulioni, M. Pannunzi, D. Badoni, V. Dante, P. Del Giudice, A configurable analog VLSI neural network with spiking neurons and self-regulating plastic synapses, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, MIT Press 2007 70. P.Motto Ros, V.Dante, P.Del Giudice, E.Pasero, E.Petetti Interactive Reader Device for Visually Impaired People Proceedings of WIRN09, XIX Italian Workshop on Neural Nets Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol 24/2009, chapter 5, pp 306-313, ed IOS press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, DOI 10.3233/978-1-60750-072-8-306. 71. M. Giulioni, P. Camilleri, V. Dante, D. Badoni, G. Indiveri, J. Braun and P. Del Giudice A VLSI Network of Spiking Neurons with Plastic Fully Configurable “Stop-Learning” Synapses Proceedings of the ICECS08 conference, 678-681. 72. P. Del Giudice Decodificare, emulare, stimolare (e comprendere) l’attività nervosa (in Italian). Treccani ‘Terzo Millennio’. 73. P. Camillleri, M. Giulioni, M. Mattia, J. Braun, P. Del Giudice, Self-sustained activity in attractor networks using neuromorphic VLSI Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN10) , DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2010.5596342 74. P. Del Giudice: Voci ‘Reti neurali’, ‘Dispositivi neuromorfi’; P. Del Giudice e M. Mattia: voci ‘Neuroni e sinapsi, modelli teorici’, ‘Cervello, modelli per l'attività su larga scala’, Treccani ‘Mente’, 2011. 75. M. Giulioni, P. Del Giudice A distributed VLSI attractor network learning visual stimuli in real time and performing perceptual decisions in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Ed. IOS press, Volume 234, p. 344- 352, 2011 76. G Aguilar, M Mattia, P Del Giudice, A Pastukhov, J Braun, Cooperative dynamics of motion binding Proc. PERCEPTION 41, 254, 2012 Pagina 7/7 - Curriculum vitae di Paolo Del Giudice Roma, June 16, 2019 __________________________________________ 77. N Haroush, S Marom, P Del Giudice, M Mattia, Inferring effective dynamics in large-scale networks of cortical neurons BMC Neuroscience 14 (Suppl 1), P266, 2014 78. Capone, C., Rebollo, B., Muñoz-Cespédes, A., Del Giudice, P., Sanchez-Vives, M. V., & Mattia, M. (2015). When function mirrors structure: how slow waves are shaped by cortical layers. BMC Neuroscience, 16(Suppl 1), P161. 79. P. Del Giudice and S. Fusi Learning in Neuromorphic Systems in ‘Event-based neuromorphic systems’, Shih-Chii Liu, Tobi Delbruck, Rodney Douglas and Giacomo Indiveri Eds, Wiley 2015. 80. Co-editor and co-author of three introductory chapters of the reprint volume ‘Selected papers of Daniel Amit’, Nicolas Brunel, Paolo del Giudice, Stefano Fusi, Giorgio Parisi and Misha Tsodyks Eds, World Scientific 2013. 81. P. Del Giudice Innovazione tecnologica in neuroscienze, in ‘Relazione sullo Stato Sanitario del Paese 2012-2013’, p.636 82. R. Hogri, S.A. Bamford, P. Del Giudice* and M. Mintz*, Recovery of brain function by neuroprostheses: A challenge for neuroscience and technology (*equal senior contribution) in ‘Brain-Computer Interface Research’, Editors: C. Guger, B. Allison, J. Ushiba Eds. Springer 2017