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Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento  (L-LIN/12)
Ateneo Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di LINGUE, LETTERATURE E CULTURE STRANIERE 

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Stefania Nuccorini Recent Academic Positions (University of Roma Tre) 2021 to today - Honorary Professor of English Language and Translation; 2014 to today - Lecturer (Learner Lexicography module), responsible for in-depth video modules, member of the Admissions Committee - European Master in Lexicography (EMLex) and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in Lexicography; 2020-2021 - Senior Professor of English Language and Translation; 2013-2021 - Member of the PhD programme in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures; 2001-2019 - Full Professor of English Language and Translation; 2013-2016 - Member of the Academic Senate; 2008-2013 - President of the BA and MA courses in Foreign Languages and Linguistics; 1997-2012 - Member of the PhD programme in Linguistics; 2007-2009 - Member of the Executive Board of the Language Centre; 2000-2020 - Chair and member of numerous selection panels for posts of full professor, associate professor and research fellow. Recent Conferences (guest speaker) She was recently invited to give plenary and sub-plenary lectures at several national and international conferences and meetings (among recent ones, ESSE Conference, Brno 2018; International Conference on ‘Lessicalizzazioni complesse’, Catania 2018; EMLex summer term, University of Nancy 2018; Phrasis International Conference, Bucarest 2017; EMLex Colloquium, Kattowitz 2016; International Conference on “Contrastive Phraseology”, Milan, 2016; EMLex Colloquium, Budapest 2015; Phrasis International Conference, Verona 2014. She was also invited to give lectures at the “Hel-Lex Conference”, Milan University, Gargnano, 2019; AILA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 2017; IAUPE Conference, London 2016, and to contribute to several round tables (Milan 2021; CISEHL conference, Bologna-Forlì University, 2019; Turin Forum, 2017). She has organised or co-organised departmental, national and international conferences and meetings at the University of Roma Tre: among others, EMLex Colloquium, 2018; The XXIV AIA Conference, Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions. Language Studies, 2010; The Fourth International Symposium on Phraseology (ISP4), April 2001. She also (co) organised other international conferences and seminars, among which the IV ESSE Conference (Debrecen, 1997). Major research projects Widespread Idioms in Europe and Beyond (p. i. E. Piirainen); 2009-2018; FRAME (FRAseologia Multilingue Elettronica), Milan University, 2015-2020; Ministry of Education project on “Within and beyond borders: Use e Norm in Western European Languages”, University of Roma Tre and University of Turin, 2012-2014; Ministry of Education project on “English lexis: culture and society in dictionaries, books and corpora” (2008-2010) (p. i. G. Iamartino); Ministry of Education project on “Dictionaries, glossaries, corpora” (2005-2007) (p.i. G. Iamartino); ESSE (European Society for the Study of English) Survey of English Studies in Europe, 2004-2005 (p.i. M. Kayman); Council of Europe Thematic Network Project in the Area of Languages – Dictionaries, 1999-2000 (p.i. R.R.K. Hartmann); ‘Local Agent’ in Italy “EURALEX–AILA Research project on Dictionary Use” 1998 (B.T. Atkins & K. Varantola). Editorial boards Co-editor of the journal SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata) (2016-2021); Member of the editorial, scientific and advisory boards of journals and book series (among others, EJES (European Journal of English Studies - 2006-2012; English Library: the Linguistics Bookshelf, Polimetrica International Publisher 2008-2013). Referee for the Italian Ministry of Education's "Evaluation of Research Quality" 2004-2010; Reviewer for several journals and publishing houses. Membership IAUPE, ESSE (European Society for the Study of English), Euralex, Europhras, AIA, Phrasis, Cirsil. Main research interests English Learner’s Dictionaries and dictionaries of collocations; English lexicology; lexicological and lexicographical English-Italian contrastive issues; dictionary use; specialised lexicography; text analysis; pragmatics. Her recent research interests include phraseology, corpus linguistics, translation, norm and usage, English-Italian culture-specific issues, and the synchronic and diachronic analysis of 19th and early 20th century bilingual (English-Italian and English-French) dictionaries. She is currently working on the theoretical and methodological issues underlying the making of an Italian-English dictionary of collocations. Selected publications (last twenty years) (forthcoming). “Teaching phraseology in the nineteenth century: Tarver’s Royal Phraseological English-French, French-English Dictionary”, in Smith R., Giesler T. (eds), Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: Historical Perspectives, Amsterdam: Benjamins. (2022). “The lexicographic treatment of representative samples of English-Italian collocations”, in Incelli E., Mocini R., Turnbull J. (eds), The research-practice interface in ESP: past, present and future perspectives, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 12-28. (2021). “«On le peut, je l'essaie: un plus savant le fasse». Le novità di un dizionario fraseologico inglese-francese, francese-inglese di metà ‘800”, in Fiorentino F., Santone L. (a cura di) Allegretto Vivace, Roma: Roma Tre Press, 185-198. (2020). (Co-Editor, with Henri Béjoint), English Lexicography in Time: Social and Cultural Issues, Textus XXXIII, 1, 1-157. (2020) “Usage, Authority and Stance in the Lexicographic Management of English” in Nuccorini S., Béjoint H. (eds) Textus, XXXIII, 1, 225-249. (2020). with Henri Béjoint, “Usage, Authority and Stance in the Lexicographic Management of English an Introduction”, in Nuccorini S., Béjoint H. (eds) Textus XXXIII, 1, 6-16. (2020). “Lexicographic Metalanguage as (a) Specialized Language”, in Maci S.M., Sala M., Spinzi C. (eds) Communicating English in Specialised Domains. Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 72-86. (2020). “The Didactic Purposes of John Millhouse’s Italian-English, English-Italian New Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary”, in Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, 2-3, 105-120. (2020). “Digging into a Thesaurus for Treasures: Phraseological Conceptual Maps in the Longman Language Activator, in Cotta Ramusino P., Mollica F. (eds) Contrastive Phraseology. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 349-375. (2020) “La dispersione terminologica nella fraseologia inglese” in I. Valenti (ed.) Lessicalizzazioni “complesse”. Ricerche e teoresi / Lexicalizaciones “complejas”. Investigacion y teorias / Lexicalisations “complexes”. Recherches et théorisations, Roma, Aracne, 237-250. (2019). “Talking about happiness and sadness: phraseologisms from the Longman Language Activator”, in Balaş O.D., Gebăilă A., Voicu R. (eds) Fraseologia e paremiologia. Prospettive evolutive, pragmatica e concettualizzazione, Riga: Edizioni Accademiche Italiane, 83-103. (2017). “English dictionary criticism in two lexicographical specialist journals” in Schierholz S., Bielinska M. (eds) Wörterbuchkritik-Dictionary Criticism, Lexicographica, Series Maior, Supplementbände zum Internationalen Jahrbuch für Lexikographie International Annual of Lexicography Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 221-244. (2017). “Word combinations in The Royal Phraseological English-French, French-English Dictionary (Tarver, 1845–1849)”, in Roberts J., Darby T. L. (eds) English without Boundaries. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 214-229. (2017). “Collocations in English-Italian Bilingual Dictionaries”, in De Giovanni, C. (ed.), Fraseologia e paremiologia: passato, presente, futuro. Milano: Franco Angeli, 124-136. (2016). “Phraseology in time: on the innovative treatment of word combinations in specialised nineteenth-century bilingual dictionaries”, in Language and History, 59, 1, 48-62. (2016). “The treatment of lexical collocations in English Collocations Dictionaries and Learner’s Dictionaries: a languaging perspective”, in Campagna S., Ochse E., Pulcini V., Solly M. (eds) ‘Languaging’ in and across Communities: New Voices, New Identities. Bern: Peter Lang, 105-128. (2016). “Phraseology and Lexicography. English and Italian Dictionaries of Collocations: a Comparison”, in Dal Maso, E., Navarro, C. (a cura di) “Gutta cavat lapidem. Indagini fraseologiche e paremiologiche”, Mantova, Universitas Studiorum, 293-317. (2015). “Presentation of target language equivalents in bilingual dictionaries”, in Dobrovol’skij D., Lubensky S. (guest eds) Contents, Contexts, Comments, in International Journal of Lexicography 28, 3, 399-409. (2014). “Norm and use/usage: dichotomy, convergence or overlapping?”, in Molino A., Zanotti S. (eds) Observing Norms, Observing Usage: Lexis in Dictionaries and in the Media. Bern: Peter Lang 11-23. (2014). “On gifts and presents” in Ambrosini R., McCourt J., Terrinoni E., Zanotti S. (eds), Outside Influences, essays in honour of Franca Ruggieri, Mantova: Universitas Studiorum. 15-25. (2013). “Italian EFL learners’ collocational errors and English collocations dictionaries: a case study”, in SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata) 2, 223-245. (2012). “Phraseology in time; examples of culture-bound expressions from Baretti’s Easy Phraseology (1775) and from Duverger's Dictionary (1810)”, in Facchinetti R. (ed.), English Dictionaries as cultural mines, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 36-54. (2011). Co-Editor (with Di Martino G. and Lombardo L.), Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions. Language Studies. vol. 2, Roma: Edizioniq. 1-601. (2011). “From East to Eden to Avanti!: on the phraseology of (translated) film titles”, in Baccolini R., Chiaro D., Rundle C., Whitsitt S. (eds) Minding the Gap: Studies in Linguistic and Cultural Exchange for Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 93-106. (2010). “‘Because change happenz’. On the phraseological environment of ‘change’ and ‘happen’”, in Brownlees N., Pinnavaia L. (eds) Insights into English and Germanic Lexicology and Lexicography: Past and Present Perspectives. Monza: Polimetrica International Publisher, 199-215. (2008). “A special dictionary of phraseology: Duverger’s comparison between the Idioms, Genius and Phraseology of the French and English Languages (1810?)”. In Maniez F., Dury P. (sous la direction de) Lexicographie et Terminologie: histoire des mots, Hommage à Henri Béjoint, 99-112, Lyon: Presses Universitaires, 99-112. (2008). “Collocations in Learner’s Dictionaries”, in Bertuccelli M., Bertacca A., Bruti S. (eds) Threads in the Complex Fabric of Language. Linguistic and Literary Studies. 249-267, Ghezzano: Felici Editore. (2008). “Phraseology and Italian-English Dictionaries: Evidence for a Proposal”, in Pulcini V., Martelli A. (eds), Investigating English with Corpora. Monza: Polimetrica International Publisher, 171-188. (2008). with Pinnavaia L. “Lessico: il ruolo della Fraseologia”, in SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. XXXVII, 1, 71-89. (2007). “Italian Phraseology”, in Burger H., Dobrovolskij D., Kuehn, P., Norrick N. (eds), Phraseology. An International Handbook of Contemporary Research. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. vol. 2, 691-703. (2006). “Note su alcune ‘fraseologie’ nei dizionari pedagogici inglesi più recenti”, in Minerva N. (a cura di) Lessicologia e lessicografia negli insegnamenti linguistici. Bologna: Clueb, 123-139. (2006). “In Search of Phraseologies: Discovering Divergences in the Use of English and Italian True Friends”, in EJES (European Journal of English Studies) vol. 10, 33-47. (2004). “Issues and Achievements in the Analysis of Italian Phraseology”, in SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. XXXIII, 3, 325-369. (2003). “Towards an 'ideal' Dictionary of English Collocations” in Van Sterkenburgh, P. (ed.) A Practical Guide to Lexicography. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 366-387. (2002). Editor, Phrases and Phraseology, Data and Description. Berna: Peter Lang, 1-187. (2002). “Introduction”. In Nuccorini S. (ed.) Phrases and Phraseology. Data and Description. Berna: Peter Lang, 9-15. (2002). “The Role of Dictionaries in Non-native Academic Writing: a Case Study”, in Cortese G., Riley P. (eds) Domain-specific English: Textual Practices Across Communities and Classrooms, Berna: Peter Lang, 207-231. (2001), Il cloze test per l’inglese L2: Ricerca, Metodologia, Didattica. Roma, Carocci. (2001). Editor, When a Torch Becomes a Candle: Variation in Phraseology. SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. xxx, 2, 193-334. (2001). “When a torch becomes a candle: Introduction”, in Nuccorini S. (ed.) When a Torch Becomes a Candle: Variation in Phraseology, in SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. XXX, 2, 193-198. (2000). “Basic Approaches to the Analysis of English Support Verbs”, in SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata) vol. XXIX, 347-364. Previous University Positions 1996-2000 - Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics, University of Roma Tre; 1992-1995 - Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics, University of Perugia; 1980-1991 - Tenured Lecturer/research fellow, English Language, ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; 1975-1979 - Teaching Fellow, English Language, ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; 1973-1974 - Teaching Fellow, English Language, ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; [1972 - Secondary School teacher, Roma]. Education 1971 - Degree (BA and MA) in Arts, ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; 1974 - MA in Political Science, ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; 1978 - MA in Foreign Languages and Literatures (English and French), ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; 1976 - Diploma of English Studies - Cambridge Honours Degree Tripos in Modern Languages. 1979 - TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) RSA (Royal Society of Arts) Course 1979 - British Council scholarship, University of Nottingham; 1981 - British Council scholarship, University of Reading (CALS – Centre for Applied Language Studies). CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name STEFANIA NUCCORINI Address Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures Roma Tre University Via di Valco San Paolo 19 00146 Roma Italy Telephone +39 3356926740 E-mail Nationality Italian Date of birth 02/03/1949 POSITION HELD February 2021 - present 2020--2021 2001 – 2019 ‘Honorary’ Professor’ – English Language and Translation – Roma Tre University – Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures Senior professor- English language and Translation – Department of Foreign languages, Literatures and Cultures – Roma Tre University Full professor - English Language and Translation - Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures - Roma Tre University 1995 – 2001 1999-2000 Associate Professor – English Language and Linguistics - Faculty of Humanities - Roma Tre University Teacher trainer - course on “Teaching English as a specialised language in secondary schools” 1995-1996 1992 – 1996 Associate Professor – English Language - Faculty of Foreign Languages University of Perugia Associate Professor - English Language – Faculty of Political Science University of Perugia, 1991-1992 1980 – 1992 1975 – 1979 1973 -1974 1972-1973 Lecturer – English language – Faculty of Psychology - Rome “Sapienza” University Tenured Lecturer/research fellow, English Language, ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; Teaching Fellow, English Language, ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; Teaching Fellow, English Language, ‘Sapienza’ University, Roma; Secondary-school teacher EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS 1981 1979 1978-1979 1976-1978 British Council Scholarship - CALS (Centre for Applied Linguistics Studies), Reading University (GB) British Council Scholarship - Nottingham University (GB) TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) RSA (Royal Society of Arts Course Diploma of English Studies - Cambridge Honours Degree Tripos in Modern Languages. 1978 MA in Foreign Languages and Literatures (English and French) with honours – Faculty of Humanities, Rome “Sapienza” University 1974 MA in Political Science, with honours - Rome “Sapienza” University •1971 MA in “Lettere Moderne” - Rome “Sapienza” University 1967 A-levels (Italian, Latin, Greek, History, Philosophy, Art History, Mathematics, Physics, Biology) MAIN ACTIVITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2013-2016 2008-2013 2007-2009 1996-2007 1997/2001 Member of Roma Tre Academic Senate President of the Ba and MA degree courses in Foreign Languages and Linguistics – Faculty of Humanities, Roma Tre University Member of the Executive Board of Roma Tre University Language Centre Member of the Scientific Board of Roma Tre University Language Centre Secretary of the AIA Board (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica- Italian Association of University Professors of English) SCIENTIFIC COMMITMENTS 2014 –today 1980 - today 2016 – 2021 2015 - 2020 2014 - 2021 2016 – 2019 1996 – 2019 2009 – 2018 2012-2014 2011-2013 2008-2013 1997-2012 2006-2012 1996-2012 2011-2012 2008-2010 2005-2007 2004-2005 2005 2002 1999-2000 1998 1992-1996 1982-1992 1983-1989 1978-1988 1985 1975-1980 Member, teacher, responsible for V-modules and member of the Admissions Committee of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Lexicography and of the European Master in Lexicography Reviewer for National and International Journals; chair and member of Conference Committees Co-editor of the Journal ‘SILTA’ (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata) Participant in the FRAME project (FRAseologia Multilingue Elettronica), Milan University Member of the Board of the PhD Programme “Foreign language, Literatures and Cultures”, Roma Tre University Honorary President of PHRASIS Chair and member of several national panels for the selection of University professors and of doctoral candidates Participant in the international research project on “Widespread Idioms in Europe and Beyond” (P.I. E. Piirainen) Head of Roma Tre-Turin PRIN (nationally funded research project) on “Within and beyond borders: Use e Norm in Western European Languages”. Member of the national committee reviewing 2004-2010 academic research Member of the Editorial Board of “Lexicography Worldwide” and of “English Library: the Linguistics Bookshelf” (Monza: Polimetrica). Member of the Board of the PhD programme in Linguistics, Roma Tre University Member of the Advisory Board of EJES (European Journal of English Studies) Member of the Board of the PhD Programme in “Linguistics”. Principal investigator of and participant in several research projects -Department of Linguistics – Roma Tre University Member of the Italian Republic Senate examination board for ‘Consigliere Parlamentare’ Member of the nationally funded PRIN project on “English lexis: culture and society in dictionaries, books and corpora”. Member of the nationally funded PRIN project on “Dictionaries, glossaries, corpora” Member of the ESSE (European Society for the Study of English) international research group on “A Survey of English Studies in Europe” (M. Kayman) Member of the Italian Republic Senate examination board for ‘Consigliere Parlamentare’ Member of the Italian Republic Senate examination board for ‘Consigliere Parlamentare’ Participant in the Council of Europe research project “Thematic Network Project in the Area of Languages - Dictionaries” (R.R.K. Hartmann) ‘Local Agent’ in Italy and participant in the “EURALEX–AILA Research project on Dictionary Use” (B.T. Atkins & K. Varantola) Participant in several research projects, Perugia University – Faculty of Political Sciences and of Modern Languages and Literatures Member of the Department of Language Sciences, Rome “Sapienza” University: participant in several research projects Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal “Problems and Experiences in the Teaching of English” Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Lingue e Nuova Didattica” (LEND) Reviewer of the “Dizionario Italiano-Inglese, Inglese-Italiano Collins-Giunti” Participant in research projects, Faculty of Political Sciences – Institute of Foreign Languages PUBLICATIONS VOLUMES (2020) with Henri Béjoint (eds) English Lexicography in Time: Social and Cultural Issues, Textus XXXIII Language Issue, Roma: Carocci. (2011) with Gabriella Di Martino and Linda Lombardo (eds), Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions. Language Studies. vol. 2, 1-601, Roma: Edizioniq, (2002) (ed.) Phrases and Phraseology: Data and Descriptions. Bern: Peter Lang, ISBN: 3-906770-08-7 (2001) Il cloze test per l’inglese L2: Ricerca, Metodologia, Didattica. Roma, Carocci. ISBN 88-430-1809-4 (2001) (ed.) When a Torch Becomes a Candle: Variation in Phraseology. SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata) vol. XXX, 2, 192-334, (1993), La parola che non so. Saggio sui Dizionari Pedagogici. Firenze, La Nuova Italia. PAPERS IN JOURNALS (2020) “The didactic purposes of John Millhouse’s Italian English, English-Italian New Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary” in Vicentini A., Iamartino G. (eds) RILA (Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata), 2-3, pp. 99-114 ISBN 0033-9725 (2020) “Usage, Authority and Stance in the Lexicographic Management of English” in Textus, XXXIII, 1, 225-249, ISSN 1824-3967 (2020) with Henri Béjoint, “English Lexicography in Time: Social and Cultural Issues. An Introduction”, in Textus, XXXIII, 1, 7-16, ISSN 1824-3967 (2020) “Due esempi di lessicografia bilingue in Inghilterra e in Italia a metà del diciannovesimo secolo” in Orillas, 9, 983-996. ISSN 2280- 4390 (2017) “English dictionary criticism in two lexicographical specialist journals” in S. Schierholz, M. Bielinska (eds) Wörterbuchkritik - Dictionary Criticism, Lexicographica, Series Maior, Supplementbände zum Internationalen Jahrbuch für Lexikographie International Annual of Lexicography Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 221-244. ISSN 0175-9264, (2016) Phraseology in time: on the innovative treatment of word combinations in specialised nineteenth-century bilingual dictionaries, Beal J., Iamartino G., Sturiale M. (guest eds), Language and History, 59, 1, 48-62. ISSN: 1759-7536 (Print) 1759-7544 (Online) (2015) Presentation of target language equivalents in bilingual dictionaries in Dobrovol’skij D., S. Lubensky (guest eds) Contents, Contexts, Comments in International Journal of Lexicography 28, 3, 399-409. ISSN 0950-3846 (print) 1477-4577 (online) (2013) Italian EFL learners’ collocational errors and English collocations dictionaries: a case study in SILTA vol. 2, 223-245 ISSN 0390-6809 (2008). with Laura Pinnavaia. Lessico: il ruolo della Fraseologia. In SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. XXXVII, 1, 71-89, ISSN: 0390-6809 (2006). In Search of Phraseologies: Discovering Divergences in the Use of English and Italian True Friends. In EJES (European Journal of English Studies) vol. 10, 33-47, ISSN: 1382-5577 (2004). Issues and Achievements in the Analysis of Italian Phraseology. In SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. XXXIII, 3, 325-369, ISSN: 0390-6809 (2001). When a torch becomes a candle: introduction. In SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. xxx, 193-198, ISSN: 0390-6809 (2000). Basic Approaches to the Analysis of English Support Verbs. In SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata) vol. XXX, 347-364, ISSN: 0390- (2000). review of R. Carter “Investigating English Discourse. Language, Literacy, Literature” Routledge, 1997. In EJES (European Journal of English Studies) vol. 4, 335-337, ISSN: 1382-5577 (2000). review of “DAI (Dizionario di Apprendimento della lingua Inglese" Paravia, 1998. In IJL (International Journal of Lexicography), vol. 13, 217-222, ISSN: 0950-3846 (1999). How do you do, Mr. Gutia. In LIST (Quaderni di Studi Linguistici) vol. 6-7, 111-114 (1999). On the contrastive analysis of English and Italian Collocations. In Linguistica e Filologia, vol. 10, 7-24, ISSN: 1594-6517 (1996). recensione di M. Pavesi, “Formazione di Parola: la Conversione in Inglese L2”. In SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. XXV p. 429-432 ISSN: 0390-6809 (1995). Dictionary Reference Skills. In Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università Perugia, vol. 9 Studi Linguistico-letterari, 73-89, ISSN: 0393-6597 (1993). Pragmatics in Learner's Dictionaries. In Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 19, 215-237, ISSN: 0378-2166 (1989). Il dizionario pedagogico monolingue inglese: valutazione e validità. In SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata) vol. XVIII, 401-422, ISSN: 0390-6809 (1989). The Learner and The Dictionary: Learner’s Dictionaries. In Laboratorio degli Studi Linguistici, Università Camerino, vol. 2, 135-149, ISSN: 0393-7399 (1989). Review of “Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary 1987”. In Problems and Experiences in the Teaching of English vol. 3, 27-30, ISSN: 0393-5531 (1987). Trying to collocate. In SILTA (Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata) vol. XVI. 249-260, ISSN: 0390-6809 (1986) “A Manual for EFL Teachers”, review of Finocchiaro M., C. Brumfit, “The Functional-Notional Approach: from Theory to Practice”, OUP 1983. In Perspectives, vol. 3, (1985). Making Effective Use of Dictionaries. In Perspectives, vol. 1, 60-65 (1984), Un’idea di Reading, In Ricerche Interdisciplinari di Glottodidattica, 5/6, 13-25. (1984). “Intonation and the non-native speaker teacher”. In Problems and Experiences in the Teaching of English, vol. 3, 199-206, ISSN: 0393-5531 (1980). Analisi dei bisogni e definizione degli obiettivi a livello universitario. In RILA (Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata), vol. 3, 165-221, ISSN: 0033-9725 (1980), Analisi dei bisogni e definizione degli obiettivi in una Facoltà di Scienze Politiche. In Papers on Work in progress, Bologna, Clueb, 2, 21-27 • PAPERS IN VOLUMES (forthcoming) “Teaching phraseology in the nineteenth century: Tarver’s Royal Phraseological English-French, French-English Dictionary”, in R. Smith, T. Giesler (eds), Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: Historical Perspectives, Amsterdam: Benjamins (2022) “The lexicographic treatment of representative samples of English-Italian collocations”, in E. Incelli, R. Mocini, J..Turnbull (eds), The research-practice interface in ESP: past, present and future perspectives, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 12-28. (2021) “«On le peut, je l'essaie: un plus savant le fasse». Le novità di un dizionario fraseologico inglese-francese, francese-inglese di metà ‘800”, in F. Fiorentino, L. Santone (a cura di) Allegretto Vivace, Roma: Roma Tre Press, 185-198. - (2020) “Lexicographic Metalanguage as (a) Specialized Language”, in S.M. Maci, M. Sala, C. Spinzi (ed.) Communicating English in Specialised Domains. Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 72-86. ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-4295-2 (2017) “Word combinations in The Royal Phraseological English-French, French-English Dictionary (Tarver, 1845–1849)”, in Jane Roberts, Trudi L. Darby (eds) English without Boundaries. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 214-229 ISBN: 9781443895880, (2017) “Collocations in English-Italian Bilingual Dictionaries”, in De Giovanni, C. (ed.), Fraseologia e paremiologia: passato, presente, futuro. Milano: Franco Angeli, 124-136, ISBN: 978-88-917-5286-4. (2016) “Phraseology and Lexicography. English and Italian Dictionaries of Collocations: a Comparison” in Dal Maso, Elena; Navarro, Carmen (a cura di) “Gutta cavat lapidem. Indagini fraseologiche e paremiologiche”, Mantova, Universitas Studiorum, 293-317.ISBN 978-88-99459-33-8, 978-88-99459-43-7 (2016) “The treatment of lexical collocations in English Collocations Dictionaries and Learners’ Dictionaries: a languaging perspective” in S. Campagna., E. Ochse, V. Pulcini, M. 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