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University Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
College/Department Department  ECONOMIA 

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Antonella Palumbo Roma Tre University, Department of Economics Via Silvio D’Amico 77 – 00145 Roma, Italy email: ORCiD: Current Position Associate Professor of Economic Policy, Department of Economics, Roma Tre University Previous Positions 1995-2005: Researcher of Economics, Department of Economics, Roma Tre University 1994-1995: Researcher (in economics and econometrics), ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics – Italy) Education 1992: Phd in Economics, Sapienza University of Rome 1987: Degree in Economics, Sapienza University of Rome. Teaching a) Undergraduate courses, Degree in Economics, Roma Tre University 2005-2007 and 2010-now: Macroeconomics; 2015-now: Foundations of Political Economy; 2007-2010: Economic Policy; 2004-2005: Microeconomics; 2000-2003: Political Economy – Advanced course. b) Graduate courses, Master Degree in Economics, Roma Tre University 2007-now: Laboratory of applied economics; 2010-2014: Advanced Macroeconomics; 2007-2010: Theories and policies of aggregate demand c) Phd courses, Phd in Economics, Roma Tre University 2007-now: Macroeconomics; 2007-2015: Microeconomics d) International courses - 2018 and 2019 (July): Lecturer in the School of Advanced Studies in the Reappraisal of the Surplus Approach, Centro Sraffa, Roma Tre University; - 2018 (August): Lectures for undergraduate students at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, India; - 2016 (October): Lectures for graduate students at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Posgrado en Economia, Mexico City, Mexico; - 2014 (September): Lectures for graduate students at Korea University, Seoul, South Korea; - 2009: Lecturer in the Summer School ‘Classical Economics After Sraffa: Problems and Perspectives’ at the University of Graz (Graz Schumpeter Centre). Scientific appointments, research grants and scholarships - 2023-25: supervisor of the DC7 within the European Doctoral Network EPOG-DN Economic policies for the global bifurcation, financed by the European Commission within the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01 action (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, selected with 97.60% total score); - 2022-23: recipient of a grant within the program “Bando Galileo 2022 – G22_78” for Italian-French scientific collaborations for the project Investing in transition: An analysis of the economic potential for adopting a new technological path for the energy transition (presented in collaboration with David Flacher of the Université de Technologie de Compiègne); - April 2019-June 2020: Principal investigator in the project Unemployment, labor underutilization, productivity, wages: an analysis of recent developments from the classical-Keynesian theoretical perspective, funded by research grant #INO19-00013 awarded by INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking - New York); - April 2018-April 2019: Principal investigator in the project Devising alternative measures of potential output: an analysis at the macro- and micro-level, funded by research grant #INO18-00003 awarded by INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking - New York); - Managing editor (with Saverio M. Fratini and Christian Gehrke) of Centro Sraffa Working Papers (online publication, ISSN: 2284 -2845) - since 2020: Member of editorial board of Cahiers d'Économie Politique/Political Economy Papers; ISSN: 0154-8344 - since 2021: Associate editor of the Review of Keynesian Economics; ISSN: 2049-5323 - since 2021: Member of the Board of Advisors of the Review of Political Economy; ISSN: 0953-8259 - Member of the editorial board of Critica Marxista, ISSN: 0011-152X; - Referee for Metroeconomica, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Journal of Economic Surveys, Review of Political Economy, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Review of Keynesian Economics, History of Economics Review, Centro Sraffa Working Papers, plus various collective books; - Member of the Board of Directors of Centro Ricerche e Documentazione "Piero Sraffa"; - 2018-24: member of the Executive Committee of STOREP, Associazione per la Storia dell’Economia Politica; - 2018-2021: Member of the winner team in the trilateral project FAME FAbricating Modern Economics: Italy, Germany, France and the trans-nationalization of economics from the interwar period to the late 1980s – financed by Villa Vigoni - Centro Italo-Tedesco per l'eccellenza europea; - Member of the Scientific Committee of the 18th Annual STOREP Conference “Law and Economics: History, Institutions, Public Policies” (Online conference, Università dell’Insubria, 17-18 June 2021); - Member of the Scientific Committee of the 17th Annual STOREP Conference “The Power of Economic Ideas” (Online conference, Rome University of Tor Vergata, 25-27 June 2020); - Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the School of Advanced Studies in the Reappraisal of the Surplus Approach; Centro Sraffa, Rome; 2018 and 2019; - Chair of the Organizing committee of the 19th annual conference of ESHET: Great Controversies in Economics (Rome, May 2015); - Member of the Organization Board of the First Young Researchers' Workshop of Theoretical and Applied Studies in Classical Political Economy (Roma, Centro Sraffa, September 2012). - Chair of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference Sraffa’s Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. Critique and Reconstruction of Economic Theory, Roma, 2010, Centro Sraffa and Roma Tre University; - 2018 (August): visiting professor at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru (India) and University of Hyderabad (India) - 2016 (October): visiting professor at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Posgrado en Economia - 2014 (September): visiting professor at Korea University, Seoul, Department of Economics - 1994: post-doctoral scholarship, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Public Economics. - 1992-3 and 1993-4: research scholarship, University of Torino & CORIPE Piemonte. - 1989-1992: phd scholarship, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Public Economics. Research interests Modern revival of Classical theory of value and distribution, classical, Marxian, pre-classical and neo-classical theories of value; growth theory (Classical-Keynesian approach); exports and growth; external constraints and Kaldorian models of growth; criticism to steady-growth models; analysis of empirics of growth; theoretical and empirical analysis of potential output; European fiscal rules; Phillips curve; Okun’s law; history of the policies for full employment. Participation to Conferences and Workshops (as keynote or invited speaker) - Heterodox Perspectives on the current Inflation Surge, Workshop, Paris, Campus Condorcet, 15-09-2022; - Discussing Global Inflation, Webinar, Association for Heterodox Economics, April 20, 2022 - International Symposium on Economic Thought – ISET 2020 (28-30 November 2020), The Research Platform on Economic Thought, Turkey. - 60 Years of Sraffa’s Production of commodities, July 22nd, 2020, panel organized by the Review of Keynesian Economics. - 1st Azim Premji University Workshop on Advanced Macroeconomics, August 2018, Wipro Learning Centre, Bengaluru, India (as author and/or discussant and/or chair) - European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE): Annual Conferences in 2008, 2014, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2022; - The European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET): Annual conferences in 2004; 2011; 2012; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2019; 2022; 2023; 2024; - Associazione italiana per la storia dell’economia politica (STOREP): Annual Conferences in 2004; 2006; 2007; 2009; 2010; 2013; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024; - Società Italiana di Economia (SIE), Annual conferences, 2011, 2019, 2021, 2022; - Astril (Associazione studi e ricerche interdisciplinari sul lavoro): Annual Conferences in 2020, 2021; - Workshop on demand-led growth, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2021; - Eastern Economic Association, virtual conference, 2021; - School of Advanced Studies in the Reappraisal of the Surplus Approach, Roma, Centro Sraffa, 2018; 2019; 2023; - FAME FAbricating Modern Economics - Italia, Germania e Francia e il processo di trans-nazionalizzazione dell’economia politica dagli anni tra le due guerre alla fine degli anni Ottanta; Villa Vigoni - Centro Italo-Tedesco per l'eccellenza europea 2018-2021; - What have we learnt on Classical economy since Sraffa? Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, 2014; - First Young Researchers' Workshop of Theoretical and Applied Studies in Classical Political Economy, Roma, Centro Sraffa, 2012; - Sraffa’s Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. Critique and Reconstruction of Economic Theory, Roma, Centro Sraffa and Roma Tre University, 2010; - Economic Development, Income Distribution and Relative Prices: The First Brazilian Conference of the Classical Surplus Approach (2002, Federal University of Bahia); - Old and New Growth Theories: An Assessment (2001, Università di Pisa); - Sraffa and Modern Economics, Rome, 1998. Publications a) Journal articles xPalumbo, A. (2023), Richard Lipsey and the “Tyranny” of a Unique Labour Market Equilibrium. History of Economic Thought and Policy, 2023(2), 5-29, doi: 10.3280/SPE2023-002001; De Simone, E., Palumbo, A. (2023). Dalla stabilità alla crescita? Una riflessione sulla proposta della Commissione Europea di revisione delle regole fiscali. Rivista di diritto finanziario e scienza delle finanze, ISSN: 0035-6131, 82(2), 133-158; xxFontanari, C., Palumbo, A. (2023); Permanent scars: The effects of wages on productivity, Metroeconomica, 74(2), 351-389; doi: 10.1111/meca.12413 xxCarnazza, G., Fontanari, C., Liberati, P. and Palumbo, A. (2023), From Potential GDP to Structural Balance: A Theoretical Reassessment and New Evidence for Italy, Review of Political Economy, 35:2, 510-540, doi: 10.1080/09538259.2021.1959197. xxFontanari, C., Palumbo, A., Salvatori, C. (2022), The updated Okun method for estimation of potential output with alternative measures of labor underutilization, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 60:1, 158-178, doi: xxPalumbo, A. (2021), Scarcity in the Theories of Value, Indian Economic Journal, 69:2, 218–234, doi: 10.1177/00194662211017282. xxFontanari, C., Palumbo, A., Salvatori, C. (2020), Potential Output in Theory and Practice: A Revision and Update of Okun’s Original Method, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 54, 247-266, doi: Palumbo, A. (2020), Le conseguenze economiche della pandemia. Vere scelte e falsi dilemmi, Critica Marxista, 4, 7-18. xxTrezzini, A. and Palumbo, A. (2016). The theory of output in the modern classical approach: main principles and controversial issues, Review of Keynesian Economics, 4:4, 503-522. Palumbo, A. (2016). Sraffa, Marx e l’economia politica classica: modernità di un vecchio punto di vista, Critica Marxista, 6, 30-38 Palumbo, A. (2015). The Role of Aggregate Demand in Kaldor’s Late Contributions to Economic Growth: A Reply. Review of Political Economy, 27:3, 450-456, doi: 10.1080/09538259.2015.1076258 xxPalumbo A. (2015), Studying Growth in the Modern Classical Approach: Theoretical and Empirical Implications for the Analysis of Potential Output, Review of Political Economy, 27:3, doi: 10.1080/09538259.2015.1076258 xPalumbo, A. (2013) "La produttività è endogena? Il ruolo della domanda", Economia & Lavoro, 47:3, 46-53. Palumbo, A. and A. Trezzini (2011). Pierangelo Garegnani: le implicazioni di politica economica della critica dell'economia politica. QA Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria, p. 143-156, ISSN: 1971-4017 Palumbo, A. and A. Trezzini (2011). Pierangelo Garegnani: critica dell'economia politica e analisi della realtà. Critica Marxista, p. 23-32, ISSN: 0011-152X xxPalumbo, A. (2009). Adjusting Theory to Reality: The Role of Aggregate Demand in Kaldor's Late Contributions on Economic Growth. Review of Political Economy, 21, 341-368, doi: 10.1080/09538250903073362 xxPalumbo A., Trezzini A. (2003). Growth without normal capacity utilization. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 10, p. 109-135, doi: 10.1080/0967256032000043814 Palumbo, A. (1999). Some Remarks on Exports and Economic Growth. Studi Economici, p. 123-139, ISSN: 0039-2928 Palumbo, A. (1996). Notes on Investment, Saving and Growth. Contributions to Political Economy, 15, 105-115, doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.cpe.a014044 b) Reviews in journals Palumbo, A. (2022). Book review: Lance Taylor, with the collaboration of Özlem Ömer. Macroeconomic Inequality from Reagan to Trump. Market Power, Wage Repression, Asset Price Inflation, and Industrial Decline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. pp. 132 + xi. ISBN: 9781108796101; in Contributions to Political Economy, doi: 10.1093/cpe/bzac01 Palumbo, A. (2020). Book review: Money, Finance and Crises in Economic History, edited by Annalisa Rosselli, Nerio Naldi and Eleonora Sanfilippo, London and New York, Routledge, 2019; in History of Economic Ideas, 28(1), 165-169 Palumbo, A. (2004). Book review: Mark Setterfield (ed.) The Economics of Demand-led Growth. Challenging the Supply-side Vision of the Long Run, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2002. vol. 23, p. 114-121, doi: 10.1093/conpec/bzh008 Palumbo, A. (2001). Book review: Moro Beniamino (a cura di), Sviluppo economico ed occupazione. Materiali per un manifesto contro la disoccupazione in Europa. QA. La Questione Agraria, p. 163-168, ISSN: 1593-8441 c) Articles in collective volumes, including entries in reference books and dictionaries Palumbo, A., Fontanari, C., Salvatori, C. (2023), Okun’s Law, Encyclopedia of Post Keynesian Economics (eds L.P. Rochon, S. Rossi), Edward Elgar, p. 312-313, ISBN: 9781788973922 Paesani, P., Palumbo, A. (2023), Full employment, Encyclopedia of Post Keynesian Economics (eds L.P. Rochon, S. Rossi), Edward Elgar, p. 186-7, ISBN: 9781788973922 Palumbo, A. (2022), L’analisi di Sraffa e la teoria macroeconomica, in #Sraffa60. La ripresa e lo sviluppo dell’economia politica classica (eds D.Pignalosa and A.Trezzini), Giappichelli; ISBN 9788892123595; pp.121-137. Palumbo, A. (2022), L’approccio classico-keynesiano all’analisi della crescita economica, in #Sraffa60. La ripresa e lo sviluppo dell’economia politica classica (eds D.Pignalosa and A.Trezzini), Giappichelli; ISBN 9788892123595; pp.138-152. xTrezzini, A., Palumbo, A. (2020), The debate on capacity adjustment in the Classical-Keynesian approach: a brief historical account, in Economics, Policy and Law, edited by S.Fratini, A. Naccarato, Roma Tre University Press Marcuzzo, M.C., Palumbo, A., Villa, P. (2019), Introduction, in Economic Policy, Crisis and Innovation: Beyond Austerity in Europe (eds M.C.Marcuzzo, A. Palumbo, P. Villa), London: Routledge; ISBN 9780367260293. Palumbo, A. (2018). Il destino di Marx nella teoria economica. In S. Petrucciani, Il pensiero di Karl Marx. Filosofia, politica, economia, Roma: Carocci, p. 333-58. Palumbo, A. (2015). Demand and supply. In: Kurz H., Salvadori N., The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. xPalumbo, A. (2013), Potential output and demand-led growth. In: Levrero E.S., Palumbo A., Stirati A., Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory, Vol. II: Aggregate Demand, Policy Analysis and Growth, Palgrave Macmillan. Palumbo, A. (2013), Introduction. In: Levrero E.S., Palumbo A., Stirati A., Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory, Vol. II: Aggregate Demand, Policy Analysis and Growth, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9780230355293. Palumbo, A. (2012). Quale spesa pubblica. In: Oltre l'austerità. p. 122-132,, ISBN: 9788898114030. xPalumbo, A. (2011). On the theory of the balance-of-payments-constrained growth. In: Ciccone R., Gehrke C., Mongiovi G., Sraffa and Modern Economics vol. II, p. 240-259, London and New York: Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-66935-1 Palumbo, A. (2010). La teoria del salario monetario di Phillips e la curva di Phillips. In: Bonifati G., Simonazzi A., Il ritorno dell’economia politica. Saggi in ricordo di Fernando Vianello. p. 79-102, Roma: Donzelli Editore, ISBN: 978-88-6036-517-0 Palumbo, A. (2004). Hartley Withers. In: Rutherford D., Biographical Dictionary Of British Economists. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, ISBN: 1843711516 Garegnani, P., Palumbo, A. (1998). Accumulation of capital. In: Kurz H., Salvadori N., The Elgar Companion to Classical Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar P. Garegnani and A. Palumbo (1998). Domanda aggregata e accumulazione di capitale. In: Marcuzzo M.C., Roncaglia A., Saggi di economia politica. Bologna: Clueb d) Monographs Palumbo, A. (2003). Supply and demand in Kaldor's models of growth. Roma: Aracne Editrice srl, ISBN: 88-7999-532-4 e) Editorship of collective volumes M.C.Marcuzzo, A. Palumbo, P. Villa (2019), Economic Policy, Crisis and Innovation: Beyond Austerity in Europe (9780367260293), London: Routledge; E.S.Levrero, A. Palumbo, A. Stirati (2013). Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory, Volume I: Theories of Value and Distribution (9780230355262); Volume II: Aggregate Demand, Policy Analysis and Growth, (9780230355293); Volume III: Sraffa’s Legacy: Interpretations and Historical Perspectives (9780230355309). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. f) Working Papers, proceedings and other research material Sokolenko, O., Palumbo, A., Fortuna, F., Naccarato, A., Marie, J. (2023). Drivers of inflation: relationships changing over time. In Book of short papers 11th Conference IES 2023: Statistical Methods for Evaluation and Quality: Techniques, technologies and trends (T3), University ‘G.d’Annunzio’ of Chieti-Pescara, (pp.747-752). Chieti : edizioni il Viandante [10.60984/978-88-94593-36-5-IES2023]. Fontanari, C., Palumbo, A. (2022), Wage Stagnation and Productivity: Challenging the Conventional Analysis, Institute for New Economic Thinking Blog, 7 July, url: Fontanari, C., Palumbo, A. (2022); Permanent scars: The effects of wages on productivity, INET Working Paper 187 C. Fontanari, A. Palumbo, C.Salvatori (2021), The updated Okun method for estimation of potential output with broad measures of labor underutilization: an empirical analysis, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Working Paper C. Fontanari, A. Palumbo, C. Salvatori (2021), Slack in the Economy, Not Inflation, Should Be Bigger Worry, Institute for New Economic Thinking Blog, 19 May, url: C. Fontanari, A. Palumbo, C.Salvatori (2019), Potential Output in Theory and Practice: A Revision and Update of Okun’s Original Method, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Working Paper No. 93, March C. Fontanari, A. Palumbo, C. Salvatori (2019), Why we need new measures of potential output – and what they tell us, Institute for New Economic Thinking Blog, 14 May, url: C. Fontanari, A. Palumbo, C. Salvatori (2019), Is it Really "Full Employment"? Margins for Expansion in the US Economy in the Middle of 2019, Institute for New Economic Thinking Blog, 6 Sept, url: Palumbo, A. (2017). Can “it” happen again? Defining the battlefield for a theoretical revolution in economics, Institute for New Economic Thinking Blog (part of the collection 'Experts on Trial'), url: Palumbo, A. (2017). Marx economista classico? Garegnani e la legge marxiana del valore, in Atti del Convegno I ritorni di Marx, Fondazione Lugi Longo, Alessandria. Palumbo, A. (2008). I metodi di stima del PIL potenziale tra fondamenti di teoria economica e contenuto empirico. vol. 92, p. 1-47, Working Papers del Dipartimento di Economia, 92, Roma Tre University. ISSN: 2279-6916 Garegnani, P. and A. Palumbo (1997). Accumulation of Capital, Working Papers 2, Dipartimento di Economia, Università Roma Tre. ISSN: 2279-6916 Palumbo, A. (1994). Alcune osservazioni sulle teorie economiche della crescita e la storia economica: il ruolo della domanda aggregata. Sapienza University of Rome - Dipartimento di Economia Pubblica - Materiali di discussione 26 Palumbo, A. Il ruolo della domanda aggregata nella crescita economica, Phd dissertation, 1992, Sapienza University