Professore Ordinario 
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento  (ICAR/05)
Ateneo Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di INGEGNERIA 

Orari di ricevimento

Mercoledì ore 15-17 per tutti gli studenti Venerdì ore 15-17 solo per studenti laureandi


Academic position Full professor Since 2016 Università degli Studi ROMA TRE Engineering Department - Research and teaching. Since 2019 Texas A&M Univ. adjunct Faculty during the Spring Study Abroad Program in Rome Since 2014 Delegate of the Rector for “Sustainable Mobility” Previous positions: 2005 - 2016 Associate professor - Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 1995 - 2005 Assistant professor - Università degli Studi ROMA TRE Other information 1992-95 PhD in Transport Engineering, 'Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza" 1987 Master Degree in Transport Engineering, 'Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza" LECTURS 2019 adjunct Faculty Professor of Transportation Engineering during the Spring Study Abroad Program in Rome for Texas A&M University 2019 Manager of the Spring semester in Rome for 30 students of Texas A&M University Civil Engineering From 2017 Lecturer of Railway transport for Master Degree in Road Infrastructures and Transport From 2008 Lecturer of “Transport Technology and Economics for the Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering 2008 - 2012 Lecturer of Railway, Naval and Air transport for Master Degree in Road Infrastructures and Transport 1998-2008 Lecturer of Traction Systems for the Master degree in Civil and mechanical Engineering 1998-2008 Lecturer of Transport systems project for the Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering and the Master Degree in Road Infrastructures and Transport 2004-2007 Lecturer of Transport terminals and systems for the Master Degree in Road Infrastructures and Transport 2001-2003 Lecturer of Urban Transport for the Master Degree in Civil Engineering OTHER TEACHING ACTIVITIES September 2008 and September 2009 12 hours of teaching on sustainable public transport at UDC Foz de Iguassu Brasil July 2007 and February 2006 12 hours of teaching on intelligent trasnport systems during the advanced course on “Sustainable transport system”, università di Roma TRE December 2003 16 hours of teaching on Customer Satisfaction during the advanced course on “Project of Transit systems” CiSut (Consorzio Istituto Superiore Trasporti di Reggio Calabria). SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS From 2010 member of TRB (Transportation Research Board). From 1998 member of WCTR (World Congress on Transport Research). From 1994 member of Società Italiana dei Docenti di Trasporti SIDT. From 1992 member of EURO Working Group on Transportation. REVIEW ACTIVITIES Reviewer for: - Transportation Research, part A and C; - Public Transport; - European Journal of Operational Research; - TRB Meeting; - WCTR Conference; - PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES PhD and PostDoc Fellowship Tutor for several PhD and PostDoc Fellowships Participation in several national research project: 1. National FIRB project, "Advanced tracking system in intermodal transport of goods" (RBIP06BZW8, National Responsible prof. Dario Pacciarelli): Responsible of the research line "Potential of RFID technologies in the dynamic management of traffic" 2. National PRIN project, " Unconventional Transport Systems: fields of application and feasibility analysis" (National Responsible Prof. Agostino Nuzzolo): Researcher 3. CRUL Call, Regional Research Project - District of Aerospace, "Development of new technological solutions for innovative applications of traffic control and management for a sustainable mobility" 4. National PRIN project, "Traffic control and monitoring in urban and rural networks" (9708183842, National Responsible Prof.Vincenzo Torrieri): Researcher 5. Project VPQ HEARTS (ENEA, National Energy Agency), "Development and testing of modeling emission with particular reference to the representation of the Parking process": Responsible for a 18 months research contract for technical and scientific support to the activities 6. National PRIN project: " Guidelines for the project of urban public transport" (National Responsible Prof. Francesco Russo): Researcher 7. National project (MURST): “Congestion and pollution of perturbed traffic flows” (National Responsible Prof.Vincenzo Torrieri): Researcher Other Research Projects  2019: Sharengo-Uniroma3 partnership for research in car-sharing optimization of service  2016:ENEL Spa electric car-sharing for University of RomaTRE: 2 year research project for electric car in Rome  2012: ENEL GREEN POWER Elebici@Roma3: developer of a 18-month research project for electric bicycles in Rome  Since 2000 Public Transport vehicles: He conducts a research on technical and economic analysis of transport vehicles (buses, trams and trains) along with the major transport companies in the metropolitan area of Rome, Italy (Atac, Tramway, Trenitalia Lazio).  Since 2000 Tire Adherence: He conducts research along with the Research Center Bridgestone-Firestone.  1996 "Urban Area Ostiense-Valco S. Paolo: scenarios for the development of the University of Roma Tre": agreement between the University of Roma Tre and the Department of Design Science and Architecture. Achievements in technology transfer In 2010 he took part to the foundation of the company "IMPACTS Ltd." spinoff of ENEA (National Energy Agency) operating in the field of modeling and simulation of energy systems and their impacts on land, environment and population. The company "IMPACTS Ltd." got by Enea the authorization to the commercialization of SW TEE, and TRANDI ISHTAR developed within European research projects Publications