Bellini Emanuele

Ricercatore a tempo determinato Legge 240/10 - Tipo B 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code  (ING-INF/05)
University Università degli Studi ROMA TRE 
College/Department Department  STUDI UMANISTICI 

Reception times

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is an assistant professor (RTD-B) at the University of Roma Tre and a research fellow at Centre of Cyber Physical Systems - Khalifa University (UAE). PhD in Telematics and Information Society at Dept.of Information Engineering at University of Florence (Italy) in 2012 and MSc. in Communication Science cum laude at University of Siena (Italy) in 2006. His research interest includes Digital Humanities, Database, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Distributed Systems, Resilience of Human-Cyber-Physical Systems, Human-Machine Interaction, and Knowledge Management. He served as technical coordinator of the Italian National Bibliographic Number at the National Central Library of Florence and as deputy coordinator of H2020-RESOLUTE project on the resilience of Urban Transport System. He participated in more than 20 national and international research projects. He is also chair of IEEE SMC TC Cyber Humanities, co-chair of IEEE SMC TC Homeland Security, chair of the IEEE Cyber Security and Resilience conference series, and vice-chair of the European Integrated Mission Group for Security (IMG-S) He is a member of ACM, IEEE, ESRA.